i actually saw a dark hunter green 02-03 wrx with gold rims in chicago one time, i must say it looked hot
did you use levels or hue/saturation to changethe colors. the shadows are holding their detail well. just wondering, i'm a huge PS nerd.
if i had photoshop in front of me it'd be easy. I basically removed the background from the image, created a single color mask cutout of the image, then changed the layer properties to soft light or color burn, whichever looked better, and drop opacity to between 60-80%. Then all you have to do is use the gradient fill on that layer, and it will keep changing colors but keeping the reflections and everything.
that's a cool little trick. i'm gonna have try that out and see how it works. thanks man, i love learning new things with PS. there's a thousand and one ways to do the same thing. so fun!!!