Pics from Beijing China

Discussion in 'Art & Photography' started by gfred024, Jul 14, 2008.

  1. gfred024

    gfred024 Member

    Last edited: Jul 14, 2008
  2. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    ^ links not working
  3. gfred024

    gfred024 Member

    links are fixed
  4. blindfold

    blindfold Active Member

    sweet, there to cover the Olympics?
  5. gfred024

    gfred024 Member

    Yeah here working as a chef in the Olympic Village
  6. clemsonscooby

    clemsonscooby Active Member

    The shocker pic is awesome. Did she even know? Looks like you are having a good time. Keep it up!
  7. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member

    lucky! we were supposed to head over there.. didnt work out...
  8. Strayen

    Strayen Active Member

    bwhahaha...i'm laughin at the shocker pic....I think that may become infamous! Did you tell her what it is or just said, it's "peace" in America. :p
  9. lostinthewoods

    lostinthewoods Frisco Tx Baller

    +1 for the shocker pic LOL.... Nice pics
  10. BlackAndBlue

    BlackAndBlue Member

  11. blindfold

    blindfold Active Member

    ^that is probably somewhere in the "forbidden city", my guess is that is in between the large marble stairway that leads up to the emperor's Main hall

  12. gfred024

    gfred024 Member

    That is exactly what I told her, It means peace:keke:
  13. gfred024

    gfred024 Member

  14. gfred024

    gfred024 Member

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