Porter's Going Away Party!!! 8/27/05 Hey guys and guys...are there any girls on here? anyway, here's the deal. Porter, as you all know, is moving back to Virginia....In fact, he's going tomorrow!! We are going to have a going away party for him here at the condo next SATURDAY, AUGUST 27th. I figure we could get started around 8 or so, maybe earlier. I don't get off work til 8, so I won't be home til 8:30-9:00...Let's give this guy the same welcome we gave him when he moved in!! (Most of y'all were there, some were not...) Anyway, it will be a B.Y.O.B. event as I'm too poor to afford ramen right now Also, if anyone is looking, or knows someone who is looking for a place to stay for a couple weeks, PLEASE let me know!!! Post up and let me know if you can make it!! Matt
I will try to stop by. I can't let that SVX go without seeing it in person! Can't promise any long term time commitments, because this weekend is really busy, but I'll do my best.
Matt, I will try and make this. I would like to be part of this. Porter has been very helpful and is a really cool person. Mark
I'm going to refrain from making an innuedno about that :naughty: I should be able to make it; havent seen jason in a while.
hopefully!! :lol: my address is 630 Powers Ferry North SE Marietta, GA 30067-7100 maps.google.com or google earth is your friend Matt
teh SVX will hopefully be back to the house. As of Tuesday, it will be up at TopSpeed getting a new tranny installed and all motor checked out.
Great guy, and above all else one of the South East Subaru Community's most popular, knowedgeable and friendly guy.
he's not leaving the world....just atlanta although, some would say he's never been in this world to begin with... lol
Man, I totally forgot about this...Hopefully Porter will come down to Atlanta and visit periodically... Mark
Same goes here Milo, and JT I was just kidding with you... Sorry Milo. JT, I hope that you had a chance to read my PM. Peace, Mark