Post GT4 progress here....

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by SonicBoom, Apr 6, 2005.

  1. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Just Curious 2 see where my fellow GT4 gamers are at...

    I just hit 46.5% complete....

    I've completed the beginner, Japanese and American leagues...
    I'm all done with the professional league except for the last race, which is a 10 race series vs. some serious cars..

    I'm almost done with the European league... I'm currently finishing up the 1000K race. If you haven't looked at it yet its a total nightmare. It's basically 4 endurance races in a row... starting out with 25 laps at Nurburg ring(the hardest track ever).

    I've also completed several of the dealership races and also the El Capitan endurance race.

    For the endurance races, I'm using B-spec alot...which I think is kind've cheating...but for the f'n huge 3-4 hour races they expect you to do there's no way around it... Not to mention in the endurance race section theres a couple of 8, 9 and 24 hour races. U'd think the time might go faster 4 these...there's no way its 24 hours you say....wrong! It's actually 24 hours!!! insanity!!!

    Anyway, I'm hooked..... getting in trouble with the girl a lot lately... How is everyone else doing??????
  2. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    I haven't been playing lately, I am still at around 22%.
  3. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    yea thats a great story
  4. ScoobyMike

    ScoobyMike OG Mod

    I fell on the ground....hahahhahhahhahhahaahaha:crying: :crying:
  5. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    what you thinking?
  6. ScoobyMike

    ScoobyMike OG Mod

    just that sayin we(milo,amol, and me as do). you were around to here it. Carol from that show. Its just funny
  7. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Umm... yeah. I don't get it...
  8. BelvnAWD

    BelvnAWD I'm Vin, Bell-Vin...


  9. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    Put the pipe down!!!
  10. E-Mol

    E-Mol Member

    Its bowl, its cute that you said ball cause you are a freakin' idiot.
  11. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    its been a while chris... u planning on going to the warehouse?
  12. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Unfortunately, I'll be working that day. I have Tues-Thur off this month, So I'll have to try to get to a G2G on one of those dayz...

    Hey Milo, I noticed that my suggestion to have a review section in V3 was removed...Was it a bad idea?, is it allready planned? I really think it would be a great tool to save time/money buying the wrong mods....

    Also, surprised there's not more responses with GT4 progress(actual valid responses related to the question...). This a great game and I'm sure theres more than just one of you playing. I know most of you are X-boxers on here. I to am looking forward to seeing if Forza can compete w/GT4.
  13. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    there were multiple threads about suggestions for v3... all i did was merge them together into 1 big thread... when threads are merged, the posts are sorted by date... ur suggestion should still be embedded in there somewhere but it might not be the first thread... i didn't delete any threads (at least not intentionally)... it was definitely a great suggestion... so if its not there, could u repost it in that thread?... i apologize for the inconvenience
  14. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    So I started Playing again the other day. I have all the beginner and Professional races done. Most of the Special Races, you know the 1 on 1 rally. I have all of them done except for 5, 3 of the last dirt races and two snow. I let the computer do Nurburgring 24 hours, and got that sweet Indy Car and have been tearing it up since. The computer is doing the 9 hour endurance race right now with the Cien. Should be done by the time i get home, then i will start the 8 hour Endurance Race and go to bed. I really like the Endurance races because you don't have to do anything. I think I am in the Mid 30% so I still have a hell of a lot to go, all the Single Manufacturer races and most of the Extremes. I don't have the Super License yet, I still have 5 or so tests I have to do before I get it.
  15. Tom's WRX

    Tom's WRX Member

    GT4 progress

    im whippin that ass,
    all golds in the liscences.
    and i think that im about 60+% done. basically the only things that i havent done are the endurance races and some of the make races, and the driving challenges.
  16. AdvanceREX

    AdvanceREX Member

    i'm at 27% or so... all beginer and pro leagues done, and three of the extremes done as well... using the minolta... its fairly nice but has some problems with steering at 200 + mph... but under that speed range i have tuned EVERYTHING nearly perfectly...
  17. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    come one forza!! i dont have a ps2 so forza is what im waiting for
  18. E-Mol

    E-Mol Member

    Hell yeh dude, I played the demo of Forza at Circuit City and man that game kicks ass. I was shocked to see that the collision physics are terrible and no car damage either cosmetic or performance exists in GT4. Good call Bill....
  19. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Just reached 60% the other day. It's getting to the point where everything is hard as hell.

    Jason, how are you using B-spec to do whole races 4 you? I use it alot but as far as I knew you still have to be there to tell the car to pit....Is there a way to set a pit interval? Thats the only way to do those super duper endurance races. And I defenitaly need that F1 car pronto..
  20. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    If you just set B-Spec to fast, turn on overtake and forget it. The computer will automatically pit when the tires get red. It takes a little longer (maybe 5 seconds), but after the car comes to a complete stop in the pit and you still haven't told the pit crew what to do, it will automatically change the tires to the same ones you started the race on and fill the gas. Then off it goes and after making the first turn after the pit, the Pit light goes away. I haven't actually driven any of the Endurance Races at all. I always end up at least 15 to 20 laps ahead.

    The F1 car is awesome, not the fastest car in the but can enter a turn at around double the speed of just about every other car. The only downside is that it comes with Racing Medium tires and can not be changed so you will have to pit twice as often if not more, but you should still be able to smoke the rest of the competition.

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