Not withmy wrx .. but we have a family minivan so here is the problem i just recently got a tranny oil change for it and it seems that the car slips .. and pulls slips and pulls kinda like bucking.. but its hard to notice.. but its deff there the gears engage fine.. and shift smooth here is an example of RPM from a drive and were trying to maintain 2500 2500 2800 2500 2600 2500 2900 2500 so normal, slip, catch, slip catch any ideas guys?
if it wasn't slipping before then not enough/wrong fluid = overheat? if it was slipping before, then you prob need a rebuild.
Looks like someone put the wrong fluid in or didnt put enough in. I've seen those issues all too often.
there's the problem. I deal with quick lube place's comebacks usually once a day. All of the issues are usually expensive....usually costs an engine and/or transmission. Make sure the dealership you take it to documents ALL of their findings. Most likely jiffy lube will be buying you a new transmission.
damn, ive been reading up on jiffys problem.. looks like if its their issue.. im going to have a fight on my hands