ps3, buy or no?

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Mad Mallard, May 13, 2006.


PS3, buy or not

  1. Buy

    13 vote(s)
  2. Not

    13 vote(s)
  1. Mad Mallard

    Mad Mallard the mad mallard

    with the price tag announcement at e3, what do you think?
  2. jayj713

    jayj713 Member

    $500 O_O
    I doubt i'm going to get a ps3. The only reason i would get a ps3 is to buy it, then sell it on ebay when it first comes out.

    I might get a Wii though.
  3. RamblinWRX

    RamblinWRX Member

    you really gotta wonder what names they rejected to whittle it down to Wii...., but ahh, no, i'll stick with my ps2, i think guitar hero 2 will occupy me for a year or so whenever it comes out, plus FF12 ought to be out soon i think.
  4. Mad Mallard

    Mad Mallard the mad mallard

    it'll be a tough sell i think... until people see prices of HDdvd players and Bluray dvd players.

    If one of those comes down sharply in price any time soon, it will cripple the ps3, but if the average blue ray player continues to float around $500+ it'll be a no brainer.
  5. WrxCrazy

    WrxCrazy Active Member

    well since i'm a big fan of ps i will get ps 3 for my car.. ;)
  6. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    It looks like it's gonna be hot but I'm a xbox fan and I havent even gotten a 360 yet and my xbox has a fried hard drive:sad:dammit I'm havin Halo 2 withdrawls. and I dont have the racers edege in Forza... and now the leek song:wiggle:
  7. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    I'll probably end up with a 360 eventually. I like the fact that it will be able to play all of my xbox games since my current xbox'x disc drive went out a month or so back (damn modding).
  8. bigb996

    bigb996 teh Wannabe Mod

    i like my 360 and dont see a reason to buy a ps3. 500 for a console? the controller looks like a boomerang. Now the nintendo revolution i might be considering.
  9. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    this ought to be interesting... HD-DVD is produced using existing equipment with few tweaks. Blu-Ray requires an entirely new manufacturing process. so i can't see why HD wouldn't come into a really affordable price range way before Blu.

    based on when the PS3 is set to hit the streets, i may get one or more to sell on ebay for sure. kids will want it just because it's new, and it's a PS. the consumerism of late has gotten to insatiable levels. i missed out on the xbox investment, i don't want to miss this one.
  10. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    I'd bet that it won't come out at $500... If it does though, I'll have to pony up the dough.... Never been a big XBOX fan...
  11. savsuby

    savsuby Member

    I Love My Xbox
  12. Eric-RPS13-

    Eric-RPS13- Member

    here's my take the 360 is really lame in the sense that it uses all RIGHT NOW tech, and I am really not impressed with it, some of the frame rates are trash just like on the og xbox, and halo's frame rates have always sucked a fatty. As far as console shooters go, bond and perfect dark on the N64 are still the kings, they had more FPS on the N64 with bond or perfect dark then halo or halo2 does on a 360, is that not lame?
    the PS3 is all forward thinking and in for the long haul, it has tech that will be the standard. For some the switch to the newer tech will be more slowly, but for the gadget heads and gamers it's something we are willing to go in for sooner. I've had my original ps2, which has been dropped down a flight of concrete stairs since 10 days after release and had NO probs. I'm on my 3rd xbox however, and each of the 3 I've had, have never been dropped or anything, they just suddenly up and die, needing new cd roms or hard drives or whatever, I'm glad I spent the money originally on extended warrenties. I consider the xbox the pinto of consoles. The 360s load times seem worse the a reg xbox, granted as long as you have a cd based system there will be loading, I just thought the 360 was supposed to be considerably better load rate over the box
  13. Mad Mallard

    Mad Mallard the mad mallard

    well, if you think about it... all video game systems up until the n64 never used more than current, or last gen semiconductors...

    the snes was based on an already 6 year old mac chip...the sega master system, genesis, gamegear, and saturn all had at least one of the same chip over the course of 15 years...

    ... well I'M interested because of what you get with the ps3...

    cd, dvd, ps1, ps2, blue ray dvd, SACD player
  14. Well, I've been following the next set of consoles and there are two versions of the ps3 that were announced: the $500 one with the 20gig hd, and the $600 with the 80 gig hd. One thing no one is really mentioning is that the $500 one also has no HD output, and no wireless controller support.
    So with a $600 pricetag for the real ps3, no, I am not going to get one.

    My kids will love their Wii they get for christmas though.
  15. wrxguy

    wrxguy Member

    dude just wait a year and it will come down in price
  16. longfury

    longfury Active Member

    I am gonna get a Wii. Stupid name but the old school downloadable games will rock.
  17. E-Mol

    E-Mol Member

    Sony's cell processor is phenomenal. I have confirmed this with my colleagues at intel who told me this 3 years ago. I am prolly gonna order my PS3 soon.
  18. BelvnAWD

    BelvnAWD I'm Vin, Bell-Vin...

    It has HD support, just not an HDMI connector. The HDMI connector is supposed to be critical to the DRM that is being built into blue ray technology. Supposedly, without an HDMI port, the Blue Ray discs won't play once the DRM is implemented...

    As for spending $500 to $600 for a video game council, blue ray or no, I think I will wait. I remember my first DVD player cost $200 and that was AFTER a long wait to buy it. I anticipate that Microsoft will counter any surge in PS3 sales with a price drop and eventually the Sony will be forced to come down. Plus, my current HDTV doesn't have an HDMI connector, so I am not sure it will even work with the friggin DRM on the HD discs....

    I might go an play Amols though....:ddirty:
  19. Mad Mallard

    Mad Mallard the mad mallard

    there is one difference from the business side, tho, compared to the ps2 tech...

    Toshiba co-developed the Cell for use in multimedia HD equipment, like tvs and such for massive simultaneous data processing.

    Whats this mean? It means that unlike the ps2 and the 'developers on their own,' the ps3 hardware has a huge support base because its guts will be/are used in many things.

    So far, Linux has been compiled and runs on Cell technology, a Cell has been installed in a Blade Server, compiliing programs are already written so that a programmer can basically feed the compiler his program, and then it gets broken up into little bitty programs that each of the Cells can run at the same time... Compared to the PS2 where you needed knowledge of Assembly, the developer has a much easier time milking it.
  20. Trey

    Trey Active Member

    Correction. the average BluRay player is over $1000 making the PS3 a steal to the home theater crowd.. ;)

    There are two announced players, one from Sony at $1000 and one from Pioneer at $1800.

    Also, HD-DVD is $500.

    I'm thinking about getting the PS3 on the launch date and selling it for Christmas on eBay. Tickle me elmo wha? wha? :D
  21. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    I never had a problem with my xbob till the 360 came out:hsugh: I brought it a month after it came out.
  22. calmnothing

    calmnothing Shlimp Flied Lice Supporting Member

    Whats going to happen with the HDMI is that the discs aren't going to play at full resolution. A lot of the new discs are going to be encoded with DRM through HDMI. And if it doesn't detect HDMI it'll scale down the resolution. It sucks.

    Load times are bleh. As system speeds go up so does the amount of information and data that has to be loaded to do those fancy graphics.

    The $600 price tag does suck though. I hope that DOES deter ppl from buying one so that there won't be a huge shortage like with every other game system release.
  23. Mad Mallard

    Mad Mallard the mad mallard


    depending on the 'water down' rez, it may not make a diff to people...think about it... what kind of reliable 1080p choices will there be in the next 2 years?
  24. calmnothing

    calmnothing Shlimp Flied Lice Supporting Member

    Well for that $100 you're losing a lot that can't be bought. The HD wont be upgradeable. You're losing a few I/O ports. No WiFi. And no cordless controllers. You're better off paying more up front than trying to retrofit things later.

    While it may not make a difference to most ppl, the ones who know or have the tv's that support those resolutions will want the most of their money. I spent a crap ton on my tv and I want the best absolute picture possible. I've also got all the HDMI cables to go with it. I want to be able to use everything I have.

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