I got a friend that will be in the market soon for a new STi. What is SOG offering for their Sti's now days? They selling them for invoice? My friend would like to get ecutek and do the exhaust but he is in south florida. so not sure how dealer ships will take it down there.
Unless things have recently changed, WRXatlanta members get them at invoice. Have him join the site and print his profile and bring it with him.
Man I totally called that one. lol I will say that the last red tag sale they had, all cars were marked down thousands of dollars, the Sti Limited was marked down $5. :rofl:
SOG or SOA for SOG is also mailing out cash back/low Financing offers with a $500 Subaru Loyalty Coupon if you trade in a Subaru.
printed profile=parts at invoice or do you mean subarus at invoice? sounds to good to be true yes/no?:hs:
Don't forget that with your WRXAtlanta profile you get invoice on all non-special edition cars with NO haggle. You print out your profile and bring it in and any car other than the specials and limited's, you get invoice... I think it's a good deal. With Subaru, invoice pricing means that the salesperson makes $0.00 on that sale... SS
omg i wish i knew this earlier.. o well, the only things i bought there are a gasket and the whiteline steering rack bushings.