Radar Jammers and Laser Scramblers

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by E-Mol, Jun 17, 2005.

  1. E-Mol

    E-Mol Member

    Does anybody know the actual reason that Jammers and Scramblers are illegal or supposed to be illegal. I am trying to find info about that but no luck.
  2. jt money

    jt money 350hp mmm mmm Good! Supporting Member

    here a thread i started bout the same subject. laser jammer
    about the 8 th post down theres a sight that looks like a comercial but proves all these products as not what they advertise.
  3. RADON

    RADON Member

    Laser jammers are legal, radar jammers are illegal. Something to with the FCC regulations. I'll try and dig up the source.
  4. RADON

    RADON Member

    Radar jammers must be illegal, every site I try to link to, I get websensed illegal activity.

    Some reviews:


    There are no federal prohibitions of laser jammers, because laser is controlled by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration under CFR 21, subpart 1040, 1041 for eye safety.
    Three states ban the ownership, sale and use of laser jammers. Those states are Minnesota (Minnesota Statutes 2002, 169.14) California (Sec. 1, Ch 493.28150, effective January 1999) and Utah (C. 41-6-52.7, 1998)
  5. JJang12

    JJang12 Active Member

    Most of TRAFFIC division units in Metro Atlanta includes State troopers use laser primary when they are stationed (not cruising). As most of people know laser is very deadly and accurate. Almost no warning. I armed myself with V1 and Escort ZR3 Laser Shifter. So far NO ticket since the day i owned my wrx. I got shot with laser couple times, but i wasn't traveling at insane speed. Maybe around 10-15mph over limit. Still slower than leader of speeding group.

    I just wanna test out my ZR3 system just to be safe. However, lots of other people have good experience with it. I should say it works 95% of the time based on statistics and tests done.
  6. rexrocker

    rexrocker Active Member

    CDC?!?!? ;)
  7. RADON

    RADON Member

    Yeah, the gestapo.
  8. WRX-WRC

    WRX-WRC Active Member

    i believe any type of jammer is illegal because its obstruction of justice.
  9. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    Wheres BluelineScooby, he could probably add some Insight on this.
  10. BlueBox

    BlueBox Member

    My understanding was that radar jammers and scramblers actually 'broadcast' signals which is illegal on certain bands without an FCC license. Normal dectectors simply listen. Legal to listen - illegal to transmit. I may be wrong as it's been a while since I thought about it.
    As for lasers I have no idea. I have seen tests in car mags where they loaded up the front of a car with a couple dozen lights and ran them on high. The bleed over in the various spectums would confuse (blind) a laser gun for a bit sometimes but the trade off wasn't worth it.
  11. SilverBullet

    SilverBullet New Member

    yeah, which means that there not just a little illegal, theres a 50,000$ fine and prison time that can go along with active jamming :eek:hnoes:. however, some jammers transmit at a low enough wattage to be considered private use so just be careful about which one you get. just thought it was importnat enough to bumb.
    Last edited: Oct 4, 2005

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