Ok, so I have a set of black Rhino ramps. As several of you who helped me with swaybars (durnig all of the confusion with having the wrongs bars, missing nuts, etc) noticed.... my car is too LOW to go up them by about 1/4 - 1/2". I know i can use boards or something, but I'm also looking to just buy new ramps and save myself the hassle. Are there any ramps with a less steep angle than black rhinos? what about the grey ones? other brands?
I can go up the grey ones on my prodrives, but since I haven't seen your car since the spring install I cant really say one way or the other.
Just do what i do and jack one side of the car up, put a ramp under each wheel, and then do the other side. Works well for me since i have no jack stands
If he doesn't want the hassle of putting down a piece of board I doubt he'd be ok with having to jack the car up.
Well, according to their website, its the load rating. The blacks are for up to 8,000 lbs, and the greys are for up to 12,000 lbs. They apparently both have a 17 degree incline so, I dont think it would make any difference.
Search for "Takata L.D.S Car Ramps", these will probably be the cheapest low profile ramps you will find. Most all others are in the $150-$200 range.
lol, actually, i'm more okay jacking the car up than laying down boards. I don't have a lot of faith in the ramps staying where they should after I roll onto them from the boards. Learned this when I used a 1/2" lip from a garage to a driveway. It slid the ramps about 6" before they got traction to roll up. The last thing I need is one ramp sliding and one ramp staying put... Then Kevin = :grr: I may construct something to solve it.
I used a piece of 2x4 in front of my ramps back when I had my civic. Worked fine every time. I also tried the garage lip, and it didn't turn out as well.
I've gotta crawl under there today anyway to tighten some bolts, so I'll give the 2x4 a shot. hopefully it won't slide.
One guy said that they raise your car 10cm, so basically their purpose is to get the car far enough off the ground to be able to fit a jack underneath.
That one's an easy fix. I stick a piece of rubber mat stuck under each ramp; the plastic/rubber 'feet' don't work worth a damn. You could just glue a sheet of sticky rubber to the bottom and be all set.