Random Thought Thread V1.0

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by superdoughboy4, Mar 2, 2011.

  1. superdoughboy4

    superdoughboy4 Active Member

    Let's talk about this in public, shall we?
    Yeah, yeah, butthurt.
    This is a fucking local forum which is why I take this stuff a bit more seriously.
    So, like I told you guys through PMs, which nobody here obviously can keep conversations in, please tell me, in your own words, what the fuck am I doing to make you guys harass me and pick on me so much?
    I say lol and lulz and rofl in my posts. I did quite a bit, until you, reel, started ragging on me about it.
    So I tried to stop doing that. A lot.
    But still you insist on harassing me, even when I've done nothing in certain threads.
    Wagunz, same thing. I've done nothing directly towards you, that gives you good reason to harass me and what I have to say on these forums.
    No, they may not be exactly the best posts in the world, but fuck. They're not outright stupid.

    So please, tell me. What the fuck am I doing wrong?
    And me saying "LOL" or "ROFL" or "LULZ" in my post is no good reason.
    It's the fucking internet.
    If you can't live with that, you can go fuck yourself.

    I made this thread because it seems like PMs are useless now.
    reel and wagunz refuse to talk about this through PMs. But they go ahead and tell everyone else what the fuck is in the messages.
    So because I can't talk to them through PMs, here it is.
    In public.
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2011
  2. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    APG - the Forged, TopSpeed, bATLground, etc. of 2011

    long live APG. :(
  3. Raziel1

    Raziel1 Member

    Anybody seen these damn gas prices lately?..sheesh.
  4. superdoughboy4

    superdoughboy4 Active Member

    lulz you guys suck
    stop ruining this thread!
  5. RSConvert

    RSConvert ɹǝuɹnʇpɐǝɥ uʞnɟɐɥnɯ ɐ sʇı Supporting Member


    It's the internets...face to face they are truly hellauba guys.

    breel you big bully!!!
  6. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    In for epic pwnage
  7. superdoughboy4

    superdoughboy4 Active Member


    Yeah, it's the internet.
    But it's a local board.
    It's not like the "good 'ol" chan where everyone is from everywhere and nowhere at the same time.
  8. Raziel1

    Raziel1 Member

    So my ex moved out to California..how am i supposed to get authentic homemade sushi now?

    Edit for lack of incoherent 'spellage'
  9. superdoughboy4

    superdoughboy4 Active Member

    Sashimi is where it's at.
  10. bixs

    bixs Supporting Member

    just go there, find another one and bring her back here.

    ^almost the reason I would move out there
  11. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    hey, wanna trade cars?
  12. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Peter saq up and take it like a man. They do it cause you make it so dang easy.
  13. Raziel1

    Raziel1 Member

    good idea bix Road Trip!!!
  14. bixs

    bixs Supporting Member

    should have asked a week ago i might of. not after this weekend though, pretty happy with it.
  15. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member


  16. superdoughboy4

    superdoughboy4 Active Member

    Like I said in the OP, I've tried doing the opposite of what made, specifically, reel say shit.
    Obviously it hasn't worked because he insists on being a dick in a thread I didn't say anything in.

    I don't know what the fuck wagunz problem is.
    He doesn't make it apparent. He just likes to say something fucking stupid to make me look dumb.

    And, Matt, really? Why?
  17. bixs

    bixs Supporting Member

    what's the acura like on gas tho?
  18. Raziel1

    Raziel1 Member

    I see a lot of chicks driving mazdas..especially the smiley looking ones.
  19. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    it's really good on the highway. I can get around 30mpg on the highway. 23 city
  20. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    because that's what it is...a random thought thread. :)
  21. superdoughboy4

    superdoughboy4 Active Member

    As of now, reel and wagunz are the only people here that refuses to let up on the harassing.
    Obviously, they have no good fucking reason to continue this bullshit, because they can't even talk about this shit through PMs.
    It is also the 2nd time I have tried to talk to this douche about it.
    Nothing but shit.
  22. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    jeebus...you need to go to church young man...you kiss your mother with that mouth?
  23. RSConvert

    RSConvert ɹǝuɹnʇpɐǝɥ uʞnɟɐɥnɯ ɐ sʇı Supporting Member

    Well breel is almost everywhere and he lives in the southside (which is almost like nowhere :rofl:)

    THis may help


  24. Raziel1

    Raziel1 Member

    Should I sell my Walmart stock?
  25. superdoughboy4

    superdoughboy4 Active Member

    Oh gee. Thanks a lot RS. lol
  26. Raziel1

    Raziel1 Member

    wait..coulda sworn this thread had a different name before Random Thoughts Thread..hmm?
    Cheese and Biscuits Thread?
  27. superdoughboy4

    superdoughboy4 Active Member

    So I guess we can't talk about this at all then.
    Fuck you wagunz, you asshole.
  28. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    I gotta take a dump...
  29. techlord

    techlord Active Member

    I suppose they were done with brokenwrx and xan is not here much anymore so you were next in line.
  30. Raziel1

    Raziel1 Member

    ahahah...oh shit. I don't make many posts..but I sure do read quite a few
  31. bixs

    bixs Supporting Member

    Just leaving work and feel the same, should I stay or should I go
  32. Raziel1

    Raziel1 Member

    tech what u got for sale? I know u always coming across some goodies
  33. wagunz_pwn

    wagunz_pwn Active Member

  34. techlord

    techlord Active Member

    samsung captivate - 125
    wrx sedan whiteline fully adj. lat links - 250+ stockers
    used condom found in the front yard - 12.75
  35. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    sorry about that. she insisted I use one. I put it on, she looked away, and I took it back off...never technically used it
  36. superdoughboy4

    superdoughboy4 Active Member

    Rofl you fucking loser.
  37. AtlxPat

    AtlxPat Active Member

    cant wait to start my new job at pappadeaux!
  38. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

  39. superdoughboy4

    superdoughboy4 Active Member

    Nice. My friend used to work there.
    The one off of Jimmy Carter anyway.
    What he got in 1 week from tips, was like 3 or 4 of my pay checks. Lol.
  40. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    Do you honestly think that you are accomplishing anything with this? I only do nice once, after that...
  41. superdoughboy4

    superdoughboy4 Active Member

    What? You haven't done nice ONCE.
    Out of fucking nowhere, you act like an asshole towards me.
    And with no good fucking reason.
  42. superdoughboy4

    superdoughboy4 Active Member

    It's also so nice to see that you didn't reply to my PM.
    I try to talk to you guys individually and work it out, but no.
    That obviously has not worked.
  43. AtlxPat

    AtlxPat Active Member

    my eyes are burning from reading all this vulgar.
  44. Raziel1

    Raziel1 Member

    You know if you tilt ur laptop screen just right u can see the watermark of someone getting bitch slapped in this pic
  45. superdoughboy4

    superdoughboy4 Active Member

    Lulz. Tons of pics like that roaming /b/.
  46. crazyazn

    crazyazn I like naps Staff Member Supporting Member

    damn predicted rain over the whole weekend? i slave for 12hrs of the week looking out my window at a nice day, only to be thanked with rain on the weekend :( guess caffeine and octane may be out of the picture on sunday
  47. techlord

    techlord Active Member

    this one has some skeet left and the price reflects this, guess it wasn't yours.
    She mentioned you but swore it was so small it couldn't have possibly have penetrated. I think she was saying it wasn't cheating if there was no penetration involved. ;)
  48. gfred024

    gfred024 Member

    I got some stuff for sale too!
  49. RSConvert

    RSConvert ɹǝuɹnʇpɐǝɥ uʞnɟɐɥnɯ ɐ sʇı Supporting Member

    Rick does it have a gspot tickler and green

  50. techlord

    techlord Active Member

    hell no! I would charge a fortune for that shit.

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