Redline Invitational at Dave and Busters Marietta

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by lowflyingwrx, May 15, 2006.

  1. lowflyingwrx

    lowflyingwrx Member


    Alan Cox Automotive, The Redline Auto Club, & Paul Billingsly in association with Dave & Busters are proud to present to you the
    Redline Invitational.

    American Classics

    Import Tuner Cars




    Redline Invitational

    Place___________Dave & Busters in Marietta Ga

    Date___________June 3RD

    Time__________10.00 AM to 4.00 PM

    We will have it all. This will be a show that will be fun for the whole family & for Auto enthusiast of all kinds.

    Here are a few highlights that will take place at the show.

    Nationally Certified Judging

    Multiple Classes for American & Import Automobiles

    Vendors consisting of Tuner Shops around the area

    New Cars on display from local Dealerships

    Trophies, Plaques, & Awards for all Classes

    50/50 Cash Drawing, possibly worth as much as $1000 to $2000

    Door Prizes

    Live DJ Music with everything from Techno Music to Classic Rock

    Dave & Busters Pool Tournament

    Audio/Video Competition

    Dyno Runs & much more!

    For additional info, call 770-427-1745 & ask for Jonathan Hall or Sherry Richardson.
  2. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    Entry fee or anything?
  3. 1ll-WRX

    1ll-WRX Active Member

    this sounds pretty cool.....too bad I'll be at the Super Chevy Show that day with the folks.....
  4. lowflyingwrx

    lowflyingwrx Member

    I guess that would help. $25.00 is the entry fee. Pool tournament is free. I'm not sure how much the dyno will cost but it will be an AWD dyno.
  5. jakeisajedi

    jakeisajedi Member

    Sweet lets see how many subys we can represent!
  6. bigb996

    bigb996 teh Wannabe Mod

    starting new work the week before count me out.
  7. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    redline is tasty... i'll see what i'm up to ;)
  8. lowflyingwrx

    lowflyingwrx Member

    I agree.
  9. J MAN

    J MAN Member

    Redline Invitational

    Hey guys, this is J Man. I wanted to introduce myself & let you know about the Car Show we are doing on June 3rd.

    Kyle is right about most everything he posted except that the Pool Tournament will be $10.00 per team. this is a one time fee.

    Kyle represents the WRX side of our Car Club The Redline Auto Club.
    If you guys like Kyle then you will probably think the rest of the Redline Auto Club is out of this world:keke:

    I would like to know if you would prefer to be in a Sedan Class or our Sports Car Class.

    The Sedan Class is basically any 4 dr Import.

    The Sports Car Class will have higher end Performance class Imports.

    I consider your car a Sports Car but I want to check with you as well.

    We look forward to seeing your Club attend our Show.


    J Man
  10. blink

    blink Member

    Sedan Class!

    plus my insurance thinks this car is just a compact sedan... so..shh.
  11. ShaneSTI

    ShaneSTI Active Member

    i'll try and show up for this one.
  12. J MAN, do you guys have a team website?
  13. WrxCrazy

    WrxCrazy Active Member

    count me in..
  14. lowflyingwrx

    lowflyingwrx Member

  15. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    I didn't realize the redline club had any wrxs, I thought it was mostly a honda club. I went with the club to a track day at roebling road last august and most people had no idea about WRXs or STis, all the members drove S2ks, civics or preludes.
  16. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    Yes, but when you showed them how a real car handles on a track, they got with the program and upgraded.:naughty:
  17. lowflyingwrx

    lowflyingwrx Member

    We were just a Honda/ Acura club for a short time. The Redline community wanted to broaden its horizons and branch out. I was one of the Honda people but decided to go with a much more superior car. Thus I had the only Subaru in the club. Most of the club had not seen a Subaru up close until I bought mine. Now the Redline Auto Club is home to a diverse group of performance minded enthusiasts.

    I sold my Civic and bought my WRX the weekend of Robling Road. We now have 2 Subaru's in the club.
    Last edited: May 26, 2006
  18. J MAN

    J MAN Member

    Redline Auto Club

    We have 2 WRX's in the Club & we are open to more.

    Kyle's WRX & Jeff's WRX STI

    We used to be only Honda & Acura but this year we opened our Hearts & Minds up to all Imports & some Domestics mainly because of the great people we kept coming across.

    It has served us well. With 55 Members & growing we look forward to the year ahead.

    I had asked the question earlier if you guys wanted to be in the Sedan Class or the Sports Car Class. I have not gotten much response to that.

    I will wait a little longer for some replies.

    Any time you guys want to come along with the Redline Auto Club to an event or outing you are always welcome.

    We are going to do a Mountain Run & Cook out on July 30th at Vogal State Park.

    We are going to Roebling Road in November with Chin Motorsports.

    See you guys at the show & thank you for coming.

    J Man
  19. Eric-RPS13-

    Eric-RPS13- Member

    I'll show up and spectate but for $25 showing my car is pointless.
  20. J MAN

    J MAN Member

    Happy To See You Coming

    I am happy to see everyone coming.

    Its only $20.00 if you pregegister. Only Car Show partisipants are eligable to win Door Prizes. They wont be Cheesy.

    Everyone will be able to partake in the Pool Tournament & 50/50 Cash Drawing.

    We will also have a Dyno Pack Dyno from Knowledge Performance for those who want to do some Power runs.

    My car is not in the Show to win a Trophie, although that would be nice.
    I am in to support my club & show the folks that the Redline Auto Club comes out in force.

    There will be some really nice cars that will win the compitition but we are going to make sure that everyone who enters the show walks away glad they entered.

    The bottom line is, you are welcome weather your car is in the show or not.

    See you around.

    J Man
  21. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    If i do show up to support It would have to be sedan btw I have a wagon but it's still stock for now. depending on what new fugly work schedule i'm going to be on i'll be there.
  22. J MAN

    J MAN Member

    Thanks for your support.
    Looking forward to meeting the WRX folks.
    Here is a list of Import Clubs & Teams that are coming.

    AREA 41
    IS300 CLUB???

    It's looking gooooood!

    J Man

    Thanks for your support.
    Looking forward to meeting the WRX folks.
    Here is a list of Import Clubs & Teams that are coming.

    AREA 41
    IS300 CLUB???

    It's looking gooooood!

    J Man
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2006
  23. flip

    flip Member

    I'll be there!! Don't see any reason to enter my stock STi into the show but I'll be browsing and most likely dyno'ing to get a base run before I start modding... Hope to see you guys out there!! If you see me stop me and say hi!

    Actually you know... I might enter if I have the cash to DYNO too... These door prizes sound interesting :)
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2006
  24. scooby_snacks

    scooby_snacks Active Member

    damn why the hell did you have to do this in the middle of a friday :( would have liked to check it out!
  25. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    I have regressed I guess, I keep buying crxs/civics now..... so much cheaper than subarus. I don't even want to think about how much it would cost to prep my STi for club racing.... but my crx is costing me about $5K to fully prep for G production. I <3 my honda :)

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