I was trying to change the rear diff fluid today and I could not get the drain plug out. Car is an 02 wrx with 91K. I changed it myself at 60K and reinstalled the bolt to correct torque (best I can remember). I was using a 175 ft lb impact tool and it did not budge and started to deform the plug. I stopped. Anyone have any ideas? I was going to try PB blaster and to give it a wack on the end with a hammer (using a plate to cover it). Whatcha think? I did not use any "sealant" when I reinstalled it last time. I think the manual called for some.
Good luck. I had the same thign happen, and it was torqued way over 150ft-lb (the tq wrench we had only went that high). Due to having a good bit of metal on the drain plug, I ended up getting a replacement diff.
do not use an impact.I would use a breaker bar and keep pressure on the end.If this does not work order a new drain plug and make sure that you can loosen the fill plug.And then you may have to use hammer/chisel if the plug is too deformed.some times a stiff whack with a hammer can help.Do you remember what you had torqued it to??It probably will be a lot easier if you can work on it with the car on a lift.
Wirelessly posted I torqued it to whatever the spec was. I did put my finger down the fill hole (took it out first) to feel the magnet and it was clean. I guess worst case is I could either leave it or suck as much out with my suction pump as i can. I do have a friend with a lift. I think I will try that.
I needed to do this like 5k miles ago I'll do it next weekend..i should...i will...i must.. I heard it stinks..true?
Yeah it is a bit stinky, just do not spill it inside your garage The bolts are only supposed to be torqued between 35 and 40 ft lbs. Anymore and you have overtorqued. Brett's was either seized or crossthreaded.
And if you do spill it in Alex's, I mean, your garage, try to clean it up before you shimmy back under the car. It's not easy to get out of your hair. I hear you should also try not to spill it in your mouth.
I got the drain plug out! Was able to put the car up on a lift and put a extender bar on a 1/2 ratchet. A good pull and it came out. Made sure to only put 32 ftlb back on it.