Not a recent flick, but available for rental/purchase in choice places. Holy cow. :eek3: It's cheesy as hell low budget kung fu with horrible acting, but the gore and violence is absolutely over the top. Examples: One guy smashes another guy's head between his fists and the head EXPLODES. Another guy cuts his stomach open and tries to strangle Ricky using HIS OWN INTESTINES. Ricky punches THROUGH THE STOMACH of another guy. Those are only some of the highlights. I was alternating between :eek3:, :rofl: and :squint: the entire time. Great if you're hanging out drinking with some buddies.
Blockbuster Online... not sure if the regular stores carry it (doubt it, since it's a cult flick with a small following). I've also seen it for cheap on ebay.
aha, thats what Riki-Oh is! My roomies that I never talk to have a Riki-Oh poster or something on the wall. I figured it was anime stuff like all of their other posters.
haha, we rented that video from videodrone a long time ago when I was at tech. crazy excessive violence -- Brian
wish i could see it! i recently cancelled my blockbuster onlie and doubt they have it in the store burn me a copy
i watched this last night. wow is all i have to say. its no itchi the killer but man is it gory. thanks for telling us about this moose!
yes and the video quality was bad also. its hard to believe that it was released in 91. you know ricki oh was the first movie to get a catagory 3 rating because of gore and not cause of sex like the rest are. heres a lil gif for ya. gotta love wax heads!