Road rage!!!! Ahhh

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Trancetto, Mar 22, 2012.

  1. Trancetto

    Trancetto Active Member

    One thing that pisses me off is, YIELD MOTHER FUCKER!

    On my way to work, I take the same route every day.

    On my way to work, I am always near being T-Boned at the same intersection at least once a week. Today, this morning I just had enough. As I was making the left on the Green light, the guy coming down the lane making a right onto the same road, that has a yield to it almost T-Bones me and gets behind me and presses on his horn as if I just ran him off or something. At this point, I was already pissed that for about 50th time I almost got T-Boned, and I was in the right way. So I slam on my breaks, pull my E-break out, I get out and at this point I'm just thinking, please get out. Long story short, he stayed in his car with window down while i curse him out, let him know what he did, and to his knowledge he didnt even know he had a yield sign.

    Me being young and stupid should've just let it go and kept driving, but I just had enough.

    Again, YIELD MOTHER FUCKER, just cus you are making a right turn and im making a left doesnt always give you the right of way.

    Discuss? Flame? maybe post your road rage moments, or shit that bothers u the most about other drivers?
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2012
  2. Electioneer

    Electioneer Member

    I can't stand people that have the right of way yet give someone else the right of way. It is not nice, it just confuses everyone.
  3. nygiant

    nygiant Member

    I've said it again, and I've said it before....FUCKIN TURN SIGNALS MORTHERFUCKER. I mean how hard is it to press up/down on a lever to let people now what you're about to do - is it that much of an inconvenience to you?

    It's hard to have road rage in the south because you people carry guns. In cities in the north, gun ownership is exponentially less due to stricter laws so having road rage is a lot easier to express and even getting out your car to start a fight or whatever.

    One time I had a right of way on a merge on 85 in the city, and this asshole kept on going like I was invisible, literally inches from my car. I flipped him the bird, and he stuck his hand out the window as pictured below

    Last edited: Mar 23, 2012
  4. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    People in Atlanta can't drive worth a flip. Always ignoring yield and stop signs.
  5. drewmob

    drewmob Member

    Maybe I'm wrong, but Isn't that where the term "right of way" comes from? The guy taking a right (or on your right) has the first turn? If he were going straight you wouldn't pull out in front of him, right? And I don't think he should yield to you bc then traffic behind him would stop.

    Like i said, maybe I'm wrong. I thought the yield signs are to not pull out in front of people coming through the perpendicular green light. I let people across all the time @ the office, it doesn't bother me. It's a matter of courtesy when I have the opportunity.

    And btw, as much as I applaud your giant set of balls, if your car was blocking his ability to drive away and you were acting sufficiently crazy he could have shot you and gotten away with it.
  6. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    what? no more t-bones at the waffle house?
  7. Trancetto

    Trancetto Active Member

    The lane I am talking about is the shoulder lane, not main lane. The lane that he is in does not allow him to go straight, he has to make the right, I am the one coming from main lane. Again, his lane has a big YIELD sign telling him to YIELD for me making the left turn.

    What you are talking about is making a right of a main road. In that case, if I am taking a left from a light, and you are making a right of a main road, which allows you to go straight, or ability to make a right, with no shoulder lane with a YIELD sign, then you do have the right of way, and I don't. At this point, I either have to wait for you to make the right or go straight. I hope that I am making sense.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2012
  8. mattprzy

    mattprzy Active Member

    my pet peeve is people who don't move over in the left lane on the interstate.
  9. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    I thought you were right but after reading the following, I have no idea.

    "When making a left turn at an intersection, or into an alley or driveway, yield the right-of-way to all traffic coming from the opposite direction."

    But then you read what is said about a yield sign and it makes it more confusing.

    "A triangle sign means yield. You must slow down to a speed that is reasonable for existing conditions and stop if necessary. If you must stop, do so at a marked stop line, if it exists. After slowing or stopping, you must yield the right-of-way to other vehicles in the intersection or approaching closely on another roadway or auxiliary road leading into a major highway."

    I guess best thing to do would be to ask a police officer.
  10. Trancetto

    Trancetto Active Member

    If the shoulder lane is dividing from main road, it is no longer part of the main road/intersection, or incoming to me. this is why there is a yield sign to yield for the shoulder lane that is dividing. "After slowing or stopping, you must yield the right-of-way to other vehicles in the intersection" this would be my ass making the left.
  11. nygiant

    nygiant Member

    this is obviously a gray area. anyone have a drivers manual handy?
  12. Trancetto

    Trancetto Active Member

    Let me try and explain it in a different prospective.

    Lets say you come to a green light, and you make a U turn. At the same time, a person is making a right on red.

    Now lets brake this down.

    It's legal for the guy to make a U turn on green, unless there is sign saying no U turn.

    It's also legal for the guy on red to make the right on red, unless its stated no turn on red.

    Now, if both, the guy making the U turn on green light, and person making a right turn on RED go at the same time, and get into an accident, who is at fault? Now, both made legal turns, but who is at fault?

    Ofcourse, the guy who was making the right on red. Some may ask, how?

    For those who dont understand....

    The red light for the guy making the right turn is used as yield. That means, he HAS TO yield or stop to any traffic, ANY traffic.

    Now back to the YIELD sign.

    The YIELD sign for the guy making right turn is treated as same as guy making right on red. It may be legal, but he has to YIELD for the guy making the turn on green. Both made legal turns, but the guy with YIELD sign has to YIELD, slow down, or stop for guy making a turn on green.

    Why a lot of people get confused when it comes to situations like these?

    Well its because they get 2 type of intersections mixed up.

    You have intersections that don't have shoulder lanes, and intersections that do. Every intersections that divides its turn, shoulder turn, will have YIELD sign, this sign is to yield, slow down or stop TO ANY other traffic coming that way.

    just my 2 cents.
  13. nygiant

    nygiant Member

    oh no, i know how the whole right of way thing works. dont get me wrong, i meant that it is a gray area for some people hence why there are so many crap drivers
  14. Trancetto

    Trancetto Active Member

    My apologies. :hs:
  15. CelticPride

    CelticPride Banned

    While you indeed had the right of way, it was best to just ignore the dude. You posed an even bigger risk to other drivers stopping in the middle of the highway like that. Lucky you didn't get shot or rear ended by oncoming traffic.

    My general rule is if I am coming up on a bad merge like you are talking....I generally will slow down a little to allow one car to merge in since I'm in the 'slow' lane to begin with.

    Atlanta traffic seriously blows.....I will never live there (hence why I refused a $160k a year job my cousin offered me).
  16. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    Dont get me wrong Trancetto, I completely agree with you but neither of us are police officers or judges. Just because we think it is right doesnt mean it is right.

    Also, that was pretty dumb of you to get out of your car. The guy could of had you arrested and would not of been charged if he shot you. Actually, if you survived the shooting, you would have been arrested.
  17. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    Trancetto is still correct, though, in regards to yielding. As long as they have a dedicated right hand turn lane, they must yield to opposing traffic. Once you declare your intersection (when you pull in the middle of an intersection to make a left hand turn), the oncoming traffic in a dedicated yield lane must yield to you turning.

    This same thing happens at the entrance of my neighborhood every time I come by...people are just fucking stupid. I've often times thought about buying a beater piece of shit just to ram all the morons that can't follow driving laws.

    Pet Peeves
    - Our driving tests are insufficient and let anybody on the road (of course, the government makes more money if you're driving). I was once in the DMV when an argument broke out b/c the Mexicans wanted the DMV to issue the driving test in Spanish.

    - People who get in the right lanes at 75N just outside of the north perimeter, where the two right lanes get off on Delk road. As somebody who uses this exit, douchebag dickoffs will ride BOTH lanes to the end and then try and merge into the parking lot that is 75.

    - Jewish road blocks. Happened this morning, actually...ALL four lanes on 285 are being blocked by some dbags doing 60mph.

    - People that ride in my blind spot. I'm in a Tahoe, I will run your ass over. Even worse, bikers that ride in my blind spot. Hey numbnuts, as a fellow biker, I understand you're on your guard...are you that fucking stupid you would ride in the blind spot of a big ass SUV?

    - People that cut me off when I'm towing the boat. 12,000 lbs of vehicle cruising down the street? CUT THAT MOTHERFUCKER OFF. Boner about got in a fight with the GA state patrol after that dbag decided to STOP traffic on the interstate for a car in the emergency lane, almost causing all sorts of shit.

    - People that think the left lane is a cruising lane, then get offended when you want to get around them. If you want to go 45mph, that's fine, I don't care...just do it safely and get the fuck out of the passing lane.

    In general, disrespectful drivers...I've always said if I could have super powers I'd wish to be telepathic so that I could make all these dumbfucks slap themselves in the face while driving.

    Good thread.

  18. RSConvert

    RSConvert ɹǝuɹnʇpɐǝɥ uʞnɟɐɥnɯ ɐ sʇı Supporting Member

    You my friend are correct!!!!!


    Drivers that stay in the left lane until the very last second, cross two or three lanes cutting ppl off to exit. FUC*** idiots!!!!
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2012
  19. Coldcat83

    Coldcat83 Member

    Definitely hate people who don't move out of the way in the left lane on the 75. My cruising speed is about 75-78 mph and it always seems to be Florida plates who do it the worst. They get mad when you rip around them in the middle lane but they are the ones in the passing lane doing 68 and Waite for you to be on there ass before they even consider getting over. I drive to and from Warner Robins and Dallas every weekend.
  20. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    down here no one knows how to work a fucking four-way stop. i go through the same one every god-damned day and mother fuckers wanna wave you through or don't stop and just blast it (GSP did this the other day).

    i agree with Drew here, the US needs to make it clear to all citizens that it is NOT A RIGHT to fucking drive, its a privilege and everyone should be given stricter tests. However, i realize that because our society has become so fucking slack with this issue and allows anyone to drive that we have moved FARTHER AWAY from our jobs/etc and now HAVE to drive everywhere. therefore, taking that privilege away or making it harder to obtain would cause a fucking mass uproar and murders in the skreets
  21. bixs

    bixs Supporting Member

    I don't feel like paraphrasing. It's Friday and I'm tired.
  22. nygiant

    nygiant Member

    This stuck out to me the most

    So we're supposed to just let the other asshole driver do what they want because they either don't know the rules or are choosing to ignore them?
  23. bixs

    bixs Supporting Member


    Do they mean this? Both are turning towards the bottom of diagram.

    See 2 posts down for correct picture
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2012
  24. Jake

    Jake Active Member

  25. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    LOL - funny you should say that. I got pulled over once in college because the car behind me honked when i stopped to let pedestrians cross in a cross walk. The cop pulled me over thinking I had honked at them, and even acknowledged the idiot behind who was driving erratically. When I asked why he didn't pull him over for driving like a retard, the cop told me I should've let the guy behind me HIT ME so that he would get a ticket. what. the. fuck.
  26. bixs

    bixs Supporting Member

    or this.. I think this if no yield sign

  27. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk



    If they have a dedicated turn lane that doesn't impede their direction's flow of traffic, they're required to yield. If they/re turning out of a main lane that impedes traffic behind them, they have the right of way.
  28. ChrisW

    ChrisW Member

    "right" of way has nothing to do with the direction right (as in the opposite of left). It has to do with being deserving of something, like your "right" to vote or your "right" to religious freedom. When going straight down a one way street you have the right of way, even when you arent turning.
  29. Trancetto

    Trancetto Active Member

    Don't get me wrong either, but I did nothing wrong but get out of that car. I don't need to be a police officers or a judge to know my right. Hell, probably half of the cops out there would get this wrong too. And I don't think I am right, I know I am right.

    Yes it was very dumb of me to get out like that. But sometimes my balls and my pride over come my intelligence. And you are right, if someone got out on me like that, as I have on the guy, I would either get out and take my chances in a boxing match or just simply get my gun and shoot them on the spot. You know the saying, "sometimes you have to fight fire with fire", well in this case, it was stupidity vs. stupidity. lol
  30. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    I didn't say you did anything wrong except for getting out of your car:) I was just saying I am not a lawyer and my knowledge of the law is not great enough to say if you are 100% correct. I have always thought the same as you and have that same situation happen to me on a daily basis next to my house. I do believe everyone here is correct though. Why else would they put a Yield sign in a turn lane?
  31. rsutton1223

    rsutton1223 Obsessed Supporting Member

    I have nothing to add here. Honestly...I didn't even read past the first post in this thread.
  32. Trancetto

    Trancetto Active Member

    Well you did add something. :keke:
  33. Electioneer

    Electioneer Member

    Atleast you didn't do this

  34. nygiant

    nygiant Member

    which is why women should not be allowed to drive
  35. Trancetto

    Trancetto Active Member


    So the biker was in the right to kick her car? Don't be biased. All she did was retaliate to his stupidity. He thought, hey its a women driving a fucking van, let me be an asshole and kick her car, cus I know she wont do shit, and I am riding a bike, I always have the right to anything I do. As soon as he started kicking her car, he was a threat to her.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2012
  36. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    it should have ended with two shots center mass
  37. nygiant

    nygiant Member

    well first, did you miss how she tried to hit him as he was cutting lanes? i'm not sure where this is, but some places do allow cutting lanes. so you're perfectly fine that she tried to hit him as he was only trying to get by? i would be pissed as well if someone tried to intentionally hit me
  38. rsutton1223

    rsutton1223 Obsessed Supporting Member

    California is one of those places where that move is completely legal as long as you are not driving 15 mph more than traffic.
  39. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    as a motorcycle rider, i find it perfectly moral/acceptable/right to cause physical/monetary damage to someone's vehicle if they cut me off, endangering my life.

    your lack of awareness warrants at least a missing/shattered mirror, considering it could have been vehicular manslaughter
  40. Trancetto

    Trancetto Active Member

    You may think that its perfectly moral, acceptable, or its your right to go after someone, or after their property, but it's still illegal and could just put you in more trouble. Just like when I went after this guy for being stupid and almost T-boning me. Again, just cus you are on a motorcycle doesnt give you any special privileges.
  41. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    And nearly causes an accident every time.
  42. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    i know this, doesn't mean i won't do it. plus, they'd have to catch me first....

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