RSS Feeds: You may be interested in reading this.

Discussion in 'Community Announcements & News' started by Alex, Oct 22, 2009.

  1. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Good afternoon boys and girl,

    Recently, I have started to take advantage of a built in functionality of the vbulletin software, RSS Feed Management. Recently, an addition was written that allowed RSS feed updates to be posted into one collective thread. Previously, these updates would be pushed to a new thread each time an update was made from the RSS feed. I had experimented with this method before and ultimately tabled the idea simply because of the amount of flooding users would experience when they viewed "New Posts". Since this problem has now been rectified, I am revisiting the idea of adding RSS content to the website.

    I am open to suggestions for RSS feeds. At the moment I have focused on one feed in particular, Autoblog. I feel that Autoblog is a logical addition to the community as it provides relevant content that we all are able enjoy daily. Let's face the facts here, we're all gear heads and when it comes to car talk we all want to know the latest scoop. What would make it easier than being able to read their content than being able to do so without having to leave the community?

    At any rate, I am working on having this capability functional before the week is out. You may view and follow the test thread in the "Test Forum", located at

    Thank you all for your continued support of our great community.


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