Rules of the Road - Must Read!!

Discussion in 'Mountain Runs' started by lostinthewoods, Aug 29, 2005.

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  1. lostinthewoods

    lostinthewoods Frisco Tx Baller

    Rules of the Road - Apply To Everybody!

    The Drive
    1) We will break up into 2 groups: 1st group will have more experienced while the 2nd group will contain the novice people. Within these two groups there will be someone to lead and bring up the rear. (If numbers allow)
    2) We want these rides enjoyable no matter what skill level everyone is at.
    3) The lead car is not responsible for setting the pace of the drive. You are under no obligation to maintain that speed.

    1) Each car must have a walkie talkie so everyone can be in communication (Mandatory!!)
    2) Makes sure tire pressure, lugs nuts , etc are checked prior to run
    3) Check all Fluids (oil, brake, etc)

    Road Etiquette
    1) Drive within your limits and your car's limits.
    2) 5+ Subaru's together stand out, so keep in mind our image when driving in public view.
    3) Slow down for residential areas. People live here and there may be dogs, kids, etc. Plus we are in the country and dogs tend to run loose.
    4) No passing before hill crests or before corners(pass only when safe). Yes, some of those double yellow lines are stupid, but bikes can come around a corner quickly and you don't want to kill someone.
    5) Inform others in the group of hazards, i.e. bicyclists, hikers, old men on mopeds...
    6) Try to have someone bringing up the rear with a radio in case of breakdowns, accidents, or whatever.
    7) When coming up on slower traffice (cars) please be patient. If they do not pull over either go there pace or find a pull off and give them 10mins to get ahead of us, plus there are some scenic views. Do not continually honk and flash your lights. I have heard where local drivers have placed calls into the Cops about large car / biker groups that were driving recklessly. We do not want this to happen to us!
    8) Try not to ride in others blind spots. Just be pro active about this.

    Car Checklist
    1) Proper running car
    2) Tire pressure
    3) Check lug nuts for proper torque
    4) Check vehicle fluids (oil, brake, etc)

    If you have anything you would like add etc. Please post in this thread

    Last edited: Nov 1, 2006
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