Hey, So the last meet up went well and i think people enjoyed getting away from work so i figured we would do it again this friday at 12:00pm. Would y'all prefer to stick with Chipotle since its fairly fast or maybe go with something sit down like roasters? (http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&s...6719953158144625008&ie=UTF8&z=17&iwloc=A&om=1)
I will be here this Friday, so I am down for a lunch meet. I have no preference, as I do not have time constraints on lunch. You guys pick it, and I will be there.
Jasons deli would be fast and people could come early/late if needed. Good call man Sound good to everyone? Jasons Deli: 12:00pm Friday 9/7 http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=...376266&spn=0.010933,0.01708&z=16&iwloc=A&om=1 (its in the shopping center with ship and anchor pub, not in the one across the street with the grocery store. You can get to it from hamond or Roswell road)
Damn - I'd love to get me some Jason's Deli tomorrow but the company is doing a huge bbq so I'll be at that... Maybe I'll make next weeks! Haha
Sorry to hear man Maybe it'll suck and you can make it up and join us Everyone else, i'll see ya there! (you too Ehron :naughty: )
as stated before :naughty: tomorrows meet place is 12:00pm at Jason's Deli: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=...376266&spn=0.010933,0.01708&z=16&iwloc=A&om=1 Corner of hamond and roswel people (4) - seven 8 three - six 2 five (2-1) if you have any questions, signal sucks at work so if i don't answer don't feel bad, leave one.
Sorry I didn't make it too. I had to pick up some ceiling tile for our new church building. It took all day...