Given the recent "crisis" we are all now experiencing, WRXAtlanta and its friendly staff would like to urge you to do your part in saving our "dwindling" water supply by drinking more beer. So remember, the next time you're thirsty do us all a favor and reach for a cold one in the fridge. That is all.
Petition the state legislature to give us member of wrxatlanta a tax break for helping out the community! I knew this pic would come in handy!
Yeah, great logic on that one... You cant buy beer at the store and relax and drink responsibly at your house... instead, drink as much as you want at the bar, get smashed and drive home! Thats a great idea!
Sorry Milo, but now you know for next time! It may be a county thing, most places I was in, you could buy beer/wine on Sunday. Of course they have semi-dry counties as well. In Denton county (where I was in school) you can buy beer/wine but not liquor...ever; have to go to the next county for that. Alcohol laws are probably only slightly less complicated (and random) than tax laws
Exactly, it shows which types of businesses have better lobbyists. Sorry for the double post, but I haven't ever multi-quoted before.
this shit never made sense to me... i remember i went into a kroger several years back and grabbed a bottle of cabrinet and went to check out. the cashier looked at me sort of cockeyed and said "sir i can't ring that up", and i was like "huh?" she went on "sir, good folk don't drink on sunday"... so i say "fine, can they make a fucking sauce for their dinner?" handed her the bottle and walked out. the sauce suffered and i was pissed. the best part is that i could have gone to a restaurant and gotten completely shit faced.
I hated goin up to drink in denton. Just made sure I brought all my beer with me LOL. Did you ever see Beer Man??
Bulloch County (where Georgia Southern and Statesboro are) is the same way. The liquor stores on the county lines are making a killing off of the students (I should know, I spent enough money at several of them).
I feel ya man.. Coming here from Michigan were you can buy beer/liquor until 2am 24/7, living here took some getting used to. I would guess it took at least 5 times between Sundays and regular days going after 11:45 trying to buy beer before it stuck in my head. They allways give you that look like you just peed in there cherios too.. I'm like "A simple no, your in backwards ass GA" would suffice....
No, but we did have a drive through Beer-Barn. You could pull up and order anything from a six-pack to a keg.
we have a drive-thru beer place here in newnan, but have to drive out of coweta to get liquor. ridiculous. "good folk" dont buy/drink on sunday? who says? and who are they to determine who is "good folk"? seems to me like more and more of our "freedoms" are being controlled by someone else, i.e. uncle sam. i should be free to make a choice about what i drink and when i do it right? drinking and driving though, putting someone else at danger, that i understand.
I did my very best to cure the drought last night, apparently the reservoirs are back to are all welcome...