SCCA National Tour/ProSOLO Tour Dates

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by Meredith, Dec 5, 2006.

  1. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    The National Tour and ProSOLO Tour dates have been set:

    I have bolded the events that Brian and I are going to try to make. The southeast TBA events may either be in Fort Myers, FL or Cecil, GA. All the events are a two day format. For National tour it's similar to a divisional autox where there are two different courses for saturday and sunday. ProSOLO is a autox event similar to Atlanta Region's DoubleX were the course is set up with a drag start and two drivers compete on mirror image courses. The Solo Nationals will be held in Topeka again September 25-28 (the ProSOLO finale is held there the weekend before).
    Last edited: Dec 22, 2006
  2. Tal

    Tal Member

    do you guys get to practice somewhere?
    If so, I'd love to join and maybe learn something...:)
  3. Meredith

    Meredith Banned

    These listings are for National level events for SCCA SOLO II. The local Atlanta Region SCCA will put on anywhere from 10 to 11 regional level autoxs (where there is a novice class usually at Turner Field or Gwinnet Co Fairgrounds). There are usually about 4 or 5 Divisional level autoxs (which are similar to National Level in format) that are located all over the south east. Local car clubs such as PCA and BMW CCA will put on autox events at Gwinnett CO Fairgrounds as well (about 5 events each). Please note that at national and divisional level events there is no novice class nor are passengers allowed in your car during your runs (ie no instruction or assistance). Also SCCA membership is required to run at national and divisional level events. At regional level events no membership is required, however the event cost is cheaper for members.

    The regional schedule hasn't been posted yet. Atlanta Region sometimes has novice days where you get instruction all day (usually on a saturday before a regular region event); or you can check out the evolution driving school.

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