SCCA Rally tomorrow!!

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by ddwyer50, Nov 24, 2006.

  1. ddwyer50

    ddwyer50 Member

  2. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Have fun :p
  3. mattprzy

    mattprzy Active Member

    Under the directions it states, "Loud cars are not welcomed"


    But if I had more notice of these events I'd probably go. Is the last one of the season?
  4. ddwyer50

    ddwyer50 Member

    No, theres one in December but its in vermont i think. After that I'm not sure.
  5. Tal

    Tal Member

    Do you have to have a roll cage for this?
    How long is one leg? is it with a co-driver?
  6. mattprzy

    mattprzy Active Member

    It's like autocross, but on dirt.
  7. ddwyer50

    ddwyer50 Member

    There are several classes - I ran in Stock AWD class (even though I have an intake, they let me slide on that). No, you dont need a cage. The course took me about 43 seconds to get around it all. You can drive by yourself or with a co-driver, however the course is short enough that you didnt really need one. My friend rode with me on my runs though. Not sure how the next one will be, its in birmingham AL, and supposedly the course is much faster than the one we ran on in TN.

  8. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    So it's flat right? No jumps or anything? Just an autcross on dirt?
  9. ddwyer50

    ddwyer50 Member

    The TN track had gentle rolling hills, no jumps!! By SCCA regulation, any road course has to be driveable by *any* car. That means even your grandmother's old LeSabre! Its just up to you how fast you do it. And an autocross? What exactly is that? Oh , I think its just a rally on pavement right?
  10. Mad Mallard

    Mad Mallard the mad mallard

    oh, so wish i was there...
  11. Tal

    Tal Member

    No problem with the front mount intercooler? Mine is really low...
  12. I have to run Fully Modified stupid its a balst
  13. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    Sounds fun, be sure to take a lot of pictures.

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