All registration info in this link!! List Of Classes (Please Use One Of The Following Classes For Your Registration) 1. Asian other - 1st and 2nd Places 2. Euro other - 1st and 2nd Places 3. Other 4. Asian Luxury - 1st and 2nd Places 5. Euro Luxury - 1st and 2nd Places 6. Truck/SUV 7. Domestic 8. Toyota/Scion - 1st and 2nd Places 9. Acura - 1st and 2nd Places 10. Honda - 1st and 2nd Places 11. Best Motorcycle Other Awards 1. People's Choice Award - Car people are talking about, car people vote for 2. High Mileage/Daily Driver - Car with the most miles and entered the show 3. Work in Progress-50% done, maybe an engine swap, still being worked on 4. Cleanest Sound System Install 5. Best of Show For those that want to attend, there is no charge!
Damn Autorage and Seloc teamed up? I figured I'd see hell freeze over before that knowing the history behind AR and the kind of cars they build/customers they support. I'd come down since I'm sure I'd know a good bit of people at this show since its near my hometown but its too late of notice and I have to work. Southside FTW.
Thanks everyone for the support! We had a little over 50 cars in attendance and the feedback we have gotten is it was a great first official show. As for Autorage, our experience with the company has been positive and the majority of comments we heard on the shop were good ones. We also like the the owner(s) are enthusiasts and are active in events. Thank you for the support everyone, even if you just dropped by to say hello!! The Track day is in 2 weeks!!!