I know with the digital age and all why? but I have some film from a vacation that I never got developed at least 3 years old is it worth getting done??
no clue and my searching of google came to be a complete fail...but most places if you don't like the pics or I guess if they don't develop you don't have to pay..
depends on temperature. As long as it hasn't been in a hott attic or anything should be ok. And obviously if it hasn't been exposed meaning it's been in the spool.
A few weeks ago I had some developed and it was fine. It went through a move and was taken 4 years ago. Had it sitting in my non air-conditioned house in Hawaii. Haha I forgot about it. Also ask your developer if they only charge for the ones to want to keep!
I would say get it developed -- even if the age is breaking down the negative you could end up with some photos with a neat effect. You wont know until you develop them, I do not really see how you can lose here