show how badass you are!!!! peel out!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by scuby drew, Jan 5, 2006.

  1. scuby drew

    scuby drew techos ftws!!EEEE

    got this in an email today and got a good laugh out of it..


    I was walking home Sunday morning with my coffee when I encountered a post-comedown "raver" couple getting into a screaming argument in the middle of the street, presumably over who drank the last of the vodka and Red Bull, or used up all the Vicks Vapor Rub or something.

    As the blonde-tipped, orange-tanned Backseat Barbie shrieked grotesquely, her hair-gelled, ecstacy-selling, FUBU-sporting boyfriend simply could not take it anymore. He stormed over to his yellow 2001 Mustang GT, ripped the door open, jumped into the vehicle, revved the engine and finally PEELED OUT in a glorious symphony of squealing tire and techno music.

    It was a sight to behold. And as I walked the rest of the way home, I meditated upon how PEELING OUT is the most awesome move ever. I remembered countless other events in my life where some person, simply fed up beyond the point of words or violence, hopped into their vehicle, made a furious racket, and sped off into the horizon, loudly conveying to all spectators that the person had "had it".

    One guy from my high school PEELED OUT almost weekly. It seemed as if you couldn't even nod your head and say, "Hey, Brad" without him flying into an automotive rage and rocking a PEEL OUT that left nothing behind but some old tire and everyone looking at each other like, "okay". He was a master of the form. I wonder where he's at today? God willing, he's probably PEELING OUT of an Arby's parking lot at this very moment.

    Those of you who own automobiles should ask yourself, "Am I PEELING OUT as much as I should be?" How else can you expect to fully convey your frustration and/or badassness with those around you, if you're unwilling to break while accelerating and PEEL THE FUCK OUT now and then. Are you afraid of confronting your feelings?

    Here are a few tips and hypothetical scenarios on how to execute a successful PEEL OUT:

    1. Peeling Out at the Office -- Your boss and your co-workers probably think you're a pussy. Just face it, sitting there in your cubicle with your slacks and your solid-color ties, executing banal little tasks all the live-long day, nobody around you could possibly recognize your inner badassness. So what better way to blow off some steam--or tire, as it were--while showing your co-workers how much you Rawk, than by throwing that badboy Miata into overdrive and PEELING OUT of your company parking lot? See who starts getting invited to the happy hours with the "cool guys" now. Hell, you'll be an executive in no time.

    2. Peeling Out at Bars and Nightclubs -- Is there anything in the world more awesomely badass than stumbling out of some one-word-named club ("Ice", "Sky", "Fluid", etc.), puking on your shoes, throwing yourself into the driver's seat of your leased BMW and inexplicably PEELING OUT in front of all the dudes and chicks waiting in line to get in? No, there's not. Sorry, but that's as badass as anyone could ever hope to be. Unless of course, your $23,000 system is bumping 50 Cent while you do it, then you're even more badass.

    3. Peeling Out from the Red Light -- So there you are, sitting at a stoplight, and you look over at some little pansy in his Geo Metro, and he has the nerve to casually glance at you. That's right, he's fucking looking at you! YOU! There is really only one way to handle this situation. Immediately begin revving your engine as loud as possible until the moment when the light turns green, then PEEL OUT! (Note: if you get stuck at another stoplight 30 seconds later, and the guy is now laughing at you, DO NOT hesitate to put that bitch back in his place and PEEL OUT AGAIN.)

    4. Peeling Out from Your Parents' House -- Nothing shows mom and dad how rebellious you are quite like jumping into the vehicle they have provided for you and sending a hellish screech down your quiet suburban street as you PEEL OUT on your way to the mall. Also, when you turn 25 and finally move out, then you come home to visit, it is still perfectly OK to PEEL OUT. That way mom and dad will know they've raised a complete and total badass, which is really what parenting is all about.

    5. Peeling Out of the Drive Thru -- There's nothing funnier and cooler than hitting a Taco Bell drive-thru late at night and giving obnoxious and obscene orders to the impoverished immigrants who are manning it. Well, there is one thing funnier and cooler. Instead of ordering actual menu items, order various sexual phrases and innuendos (like, "Can I get the Donkey Punch Combo?") and wait for their exasperated, puzzled responses, then pull up to the window, throw a bunch of change at them and PEEL OUT while you howl laughter and spill Gordita sauce all over your Kenneth Cole shirt. Yo Quiero PEEL OUT? You bet your ass.

    Those are just a few simple suggestions to optimize your PEEL OUT experience, but I think it was Meatloaf who said it best in his amazingly-titled ditty, "Peel Out", which might be his greatest song of all time:

    Peel out! Peel out! Peel out! We're sick and tired of waiting in line
    Peel out! Peel out! Peel out! Nobody's taking our time
    Peel out! Peel out! Peel out!
    Tire tracks and broken hearts, that's all we're leaving behind
    There oughta be a law and there better be a crime
  2. slpymnky

    slpymnky Member

    I think I will have to print this out and leave this on this kids Mustang because he actually comes to school 30 minutes earlier than most people so he can peel out and do donuts in the parking lot. He also peels out at least 2 times a week out of the parking lot. The funniest part about it is that he used to havbe a Focus hatchback that was completely stock but he still peeled out every day.
  3. lostinthewoods

    lostinthewoods Frisco Tx Baller

    I think a good one would be the PEEL OUT from the Day Care .. now thats hott
  4. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    Yeah it's cool. Peeling out is so badass because it brings back memories of my old truck in high school. Now I'm really pissed because I bought this stupid AWD "performance" car that cant even shred a pair of tires.
  5. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    kris likes to leave skid marks too ;)
  6. RADON

    RADON Member

  7. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    that is friggin awesome drew!! thanks for sharing :rofl:
  8. Trey

    Trey Active Member

    Deja-Vu!! :D

    Saw it on IL yesterday and LMAO at the Geo Metro bit. :p YOU!!!
  9. Goose013

    Goose013 Member

    brings back memories, my buddy in high school had a 78' camaro that was "built", he would always Peel Out after school or actually anywhere he could and if anyone dare look over or try to pass he would say, "I'll show em' who the real man is" and stomp it. he was 6' 140lbs of badass. I later outran him on 575 with my mom's 4.0 Jeep cherokee. he blamed it on his "passing gear" not engaging and he still is ridiculed for it today.
  10. scuby drew

    scuby drew techos ftws!!EEEE

    haha, i just saw the thread on il a minute ago and laughed again as i read it
  11. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Haha...that's great man.
  12. lostinthewoods

    lostinthewoods Frisco Tx Baller

    dooooooooooooood.. i just SOOOOOOOOOOOO PEELED out in my rental car...

    Buick baby buick
  13. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    My wife's minivan is constantly PEELING OUT. BWAH HAH HAH! PEEL OUT! PEEL OUT!
  14. 1ll-WRX

    1ll-WRX Active Member

    donkey punch combo!!!! :rofl: this made my day!!!!
  15. gueryjones

    gueryjones Member

    Don't forget to add the GA 400 toll booth to the PEEL OUT list.
  16. KingofSiam

    KingofSiam Member

    My car couldn't peel out if I wanted it too. :hs:

    How am I supposed to show people how badass I am?

    Seriously I go full throttle from stoplights sometimes. And not at night either. Cars on both sides. Maybe that does the trick.

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