Site Problem or Me problem? IPhone

Discussion in 'Meta' started by FACE, Aug 4, 2008.

  1. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    So my latest spin is that I cannot log in on my I phone.

    After another member logging into the site on my Iphone, I can't. I have tried restarting, clearing cache, and clearing cookies...and trying different style backgrounds...Still no luck. I would have posted here:

    But Im having the same problem.

    If anyone has anymore suggestions please share. If not I guess I will just have to make an appointment @ the wonderful Apple store!


    Mods...Please free to move this thread :D
  2. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    make that appointment son!

    There really isn't anything else to troubleshoot....but I wonder what the geeks at the apple store are gonna say when you say you can't log into your favorite car site....nerd!
  3. kingwrex

    kingwrex Supporting Member

  4. nicad

    nicad Yes I am a troll

    weird. I had some initial trouble with mine, but it seemed to fix itself. cleared everything, restarted phone, etc and it seemed to come around.
  5. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    you have to go into the settings and make sure your cookies are setup on the lowest security settings. I had to do the same thing. Just check that first. Make sure that it says accept cookies: always. Did that and been problem free since. In fact I'm posting this from my iPhone now


    Same problem here, but I can still log into my favorite car site, ""
  7. amonsta

    amonsta Member

    sorry to raise from the dead but having this problem from my g1. It loggs me in but doesnt allow me to pm or anything. Its says thanks for logging in but then takes me back to login over and over. Help!!!!
  8. blindfold

    blindfold Active Member

    my 3g has always been logged in and no problems.
  9. jt money

    jt money 350hp mmm mmm Good! Supporting Member

    my palm phone wont log in. logs into plenty of other vb forums but not this one. when i log in it goes to the thanks for logging in page. then redirects and im logged out.
  10. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    I discovered this bug a while back and it seems to be a cookie issue. I have never been able to actually remove the bug, but I did figure out a solution.

    A lot of the iphone users were having issues because they were directing their browsers to "". The front page and mobile devices do not get along. I have suggested in the past that all mobile users direct their browsers to "" and it seems to have solved their problems. The issue is that even though the front page and the forum share the same database, same cookie settings, etc, they still do not work together with mobile devices.

    The issue can be fixed permanently by becoming a supporting member and taking advantage of our WAP forum, :) If you do a lot of mobile browsing, this is the best solution. This is formatted perfectly for your mobile device because it was built to do just that. The software is / was not free, and supporting members have access to it as a sign of gratitude for their continued support.

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