Sittin at work and made this....

Discussion in 'Member Journals & Project Build Stories' started by fsuskppy, Mar 17, 2008.

  1. fsuskppy

    fsuskppy Member

    So I was sittin at work and got bored so I started looking at subaru stuff pulled up a picture of a LGT....decided I would import it into my vinyl machine....and wha la....its just a rough draft out of complete boredum....Its about 12" long so the only thing I had to put it on was a folder[​IMG]
  2. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

    reminds me of a ford focus

    needs some more lines to show the shape of the car
  3. fsuskppy

    fsuskppy Member

    Yea it was just a quick rough draft ill have more time to work on it tomorrow

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