so im thinking my dsc717 is toast

Discussion in 'Art & Photography' started by Alex, Jul 31, 2006.

  1. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    lens does not seem to capture anything, you can tell the lens is attempting to pick up on different lights and such however there is no actual imagery coming through, as if the lens cap is still on. while this concerns me, it may be time for an upgrade anyways, Ive had that cam for a few years now.

    I'm curious what I should move to, I'd like something that allows me to take auto shots when I really cant just fiddle around but with enough manual capabilities to have fun when I can.

    For now, we'll say keep it at a reasonable price. So, suggestions?
  2. flip

    flip Member

  3. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    but of course, dpreview is a great site :D
  4. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    Are you looking for a P&S or a SLR? If the latter, APS-C size frame or full frame? (I'm guessing not full frame since you are looking for something reasonably inexpensive...0
  5. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Well it would be fun to have a d-slr (p&s + slr). I suppose optimally, it would be wonderful to have a fully fledged slr in addition to a quick shot p&s, so perhaps I should invest in the latter and then work towards a slr.
  6. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    In that case I'd focus on something ultra-compact. If you plan to get an SLR later, you'll appreciate having something you can ALWAYS carry around more than something with fancy functions.
  7. Alex, you can try my D200 this Saturday at the meet :)
  8. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Hmm ultra compact eh? I was reading something that basically discussed the 7mp compacts vs the older 5mp and how there is virtually no difference, sure the image is larger, but the grain is apparently narsty on the newer ones.

  9. The only time youll notice a difference in megapixel is in print, or crop. Other than that, having the most megapixels doesnt mean much as far as "on screen" quality. And most average viewers wont be able to tell the difference between two images.
  10. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    Yes, you reach a point of diminishing returns. Most of the over 5 mpix compact cameras are essentially a form of dick waving for people who don't know a damn thing about photography and would rather spank it to spec sheets. The small sensor really limits things. On the upside, it means 5mpix compacts are really cheap now.

    edit: case in point being the F717 vs the F828. People paid the extra $ to get pictures that were no better but 'woo 8 megapixels!'
  11. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Mhmm, I loved my 717. I've been looking at the canon sd630 as well as a couple others that could be promising. And yes, the 5mp's are nice and cheap these days, its just finding one with a larger sensor.
  12. MrCoffeeATL

    MrCoffeeATL Member

    d200 is very nice. We had that and my d70 in the galapagos and never looked back. D70 (and i suppose d70s) are cheap and very well respected SRL cameras with good color and a fairly cheap body. Lenses support old mount styles as well as the digital ones. D200 is a bit more but very worth the expense for the iso100 and megapixle count. More mass too it which i like. You can borrow my d70(with the patch to make it like an S) at some event if ya like and play around. Go borrow the d200 and try mine after and see if you don't mind the slight drop in quality (12mp to 6.8 right?)

    My pictures are up at in the gallery section. I should have comparison shots in about 10 days of the same trip if you care to see.
  13. BelvnAWD

    BelvnAWD I'm Vin, Bell-Vin...

  14. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    The fian'cee will be getting her a new camera for her digital photography class. Looks like we are set on getting the FujiFilm s5200. I want something that we can swap out the lens and all and also want a camera that won't break the bank. Dpreview has good writeups on this. Seems like the only con is the button focus vs manual which isn't a biggy for me anyways. We'll see.
  15. my olympus SP-500UZ isnt bad fior a point and shot. IM happy with it.
  16. RADON

    RADON Member

    To tag on this topic. A co-worker is upgrading to a D200 from a D70 and is looking to sell soon. I've read multiple reviews of the D70, etc. Any real world opinions and what would be a good price for just the body (ebay shows around $400ish)?
  17. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    No idea, ebay or craiglist are prob the most realistic price compairsons.

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