I'm intrigued. Always heard people talking about how the legacy Gt is cheaper to insure although it comes up as more expensive. Was doing some basic research into legacy GT / mazdaspeed3 / wrx and the wrx came up almost $20/month cheaper than the other two which was interesting. I'm not that keen on the mazdaspeed3 but it seems to beat the wrx in every published test so worth taking a drive of one. Kind of disproves what i've heard of the GT being smarter insurance wise lol
Well...the LGT is going to be cheaper than the WRX because the WRX has a really high crash/theft rate, making insurance much more expensive...
well sir Brett, i checked out progressive and wrx came up cheaper to insure than LGT by around $20/mon exact same coverage
http://www.motortrend.com/roadtests/wagon/112_0611_sport_wagon_and_sedan_comparison http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6PGMi89qRo
true. i didnt put in my SSN this is for a young male in atlanta market with good driving record. To get good baseline. Non-homeowner with basic comprehensive coverage
well just know that if you get a mazdaspeed3 that your upgrade path is limited. I have 3 friends with mazdaspeed6s...one blew the motor leaving dyno4mance after an atp turbo kit install and tune. So, stock vs. stock yeah the ms3 will beat a wrx but the wrx has a proven history of being easily and safely modded but the 2.3 direct injection motor in the ms3 and ms6 is weak if you ask me.
Don't forget Edmunds. The MS3 beat the old WRX and the new one... http://www.edmunds.com/apps/vdpcontainers/do/vdp/articleId=117762/pageNumber=1 http://www.edmunds.com/apps/vdpcontainers/do/vdp/articleId=121942/pageNumber=1 This is part of the reason I decided to go for an STI instead of a WRX.
I like the looks of the mazdaspeed3. I don't like fwd. The wrx is actually fairly cheap to insure, compared to other cars around the same class performance wise. Have you considered an audi a4 1.8t quattro? Those are nice and cheaper to insure than a wrx.
I would have thought the A4 would have been more than the WRX. Humm I guess the theft rate is higher on the WRX cause of the lack of window frame
Maybe you need a new insurance company. When I switched to my legacy I had a friend that is an independent insurnace broker for 30 different providers, so I asked him to check my coverage. He is going to save me $800 a year on the coverage of my car (which is 4 years newer and more expensive than my last), my wife's car and this includes upping the coverage for rental car and medpay. Anybody that is interested in having your rates checked, call David Machost at 770-674-1476. Let him know I sent you and he will take extra care of you.
I thought the difference would be because the wrx is marketed for the performance scene and the a4 is more luxurious less performance and towards a different target buyer.
Insurance web is good for locating qoutes too. I had a Mazdaspeed3 take me to task on Coleman Road, he stayed right on my ass and it was wet out. It was at night and I thought for a minute it was an 08 WRX in the review, but no hood scoop. The Audi A3 http://www.audiusa.com/audi/us/en2/new_cars/Audi_A3/Features.html and the Volvo C30 are some other choices for about the same price. http://www.volvocars.com/us/models/c30/gallery/exterior/Pages/default.aspx I like the Suby so far because out of all the cars I have modified over the years the Suby responds tremendously and maintains its reliability! I also like the 4wdTurbo config.
WHAT? ms3 beat a wrx Blasphemy!!! my insurance is fairly cheap because of all the saftey features on the wrx. and was not on any top 20 list of stolen rides eithier or at least at that time. I test drove ms3 when b4 I got my wrx i dont see it. ms3 is fun at first but you want something more. (and i felt that in the test drive)
Hahahahahaha. Thank you. Yes, the mazdaspeed3 outperforms the wrx stock for stock. But do you really want to buy a fwd car? (not to mention the modibility factor previously mentioned).