So yeah...almost died about 20 minutes ago

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by 07Ltd#767, Apr 8, 2009.

  1. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    Rode the bike today and almost got hit by a guy not paying attention...

    I was at the intersection of I-20 and I-285 (west side) about to get on 285 N when a truck came sliding by me at about 50mph. Thankfully I ride left of center (driver's side tire) so cars can see me out both the side and rear view mirrors. A Chevy truck, full size, came sliding by in my lane and missed me by less than two feet. Not sure what the chances are you walk away from that kind of accident.

    Even more thankful I wasn't in my car. Had I been (or had any other person in traffic been in my location for that matter), he would have rear ended me. Car or bike, I'm not sure it matters at that speed...

    I know I don't have to say these kinds of things to people on this forum, as most of us (hopefully) are focused drivers, but PLEASE watch yourself on the roads, spring is coming and bikes are everywhere. Stay off your cell phones and pay attention when you drive.

    Look twice, save a life. Motorcycles are everywhere.
  2. oneiguy

    oneiguy Active Member

    Glad you are ok
  3. Ben@TTR

    Ben@TTR Member

    damn man! glad you are ok
  4. gotsol

    gotsol Active Member

    wow scary stuff!

    Atlanta is such a bad town for a sport bike
  5. BlackAndBlue

    BlackAndBlue Member

    fixed it for you

    glad you're ok
  6. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    Damn man stay safe.
  7. Slowsoul

    Slowsoul Member

    Man, that just makes me want to hurt someone...not that it forgives the truck driver, but maybe he didn't see is even worse when they SEE you and still pull some shit.

    I had a guy diliberately turn left in front of me in his mustang...I was coming home one friday afternoon at a steady pace on a pretty busy two lane highway (129). I see him pull up to the main road, I am looking at his eyes the whole time, and he just guns it...

    I wanted to turn around and follow him to where ever he was going...

    Becareful indeed.
  8. BKiller

    BKiller Active Member

    Yeah. There is nothing worse than sitting in traffic on your bike and watching a car come flying up behind you in your mirrors and wondering if they are going to stop...
    Be careful out there!
  9. blindfold

    blindfold Active Member

    glad you are okay, but i've seen a lot of drivers texting while driving lately to do watch out for them
  10. I saw something almost identical to that situation about 2 months ago in Hickory Flat. I was on my way over to my future mother-in-laws house for dinner, and I was behind a black GMC Jimmy who totally looked like he was working out of his car (and not paying attention, pet-peev of mine, Hate it!) there was a biker in front of him who had his blinker on for a good 500 feet so traffic would pay attention. Came to a stop and the jimmy wasnt pay attention (go figure) until the last second and honestly from were i was at came within inches from the biker, turning hard right into the ditch and almost clipping a mail box. What pissed me off was the guy kept going, didnt stop to make sure he was alright. I pulled up next to the biker and made sure he didnt clip him. Just amazing to me how some poeple are just straight up dumb motherf&*$@ers, I should of followed that guy and gave him a piece of my mind.
  11. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    glad to hear you're okay man... atlanta is fucked for any driving, but
    you most likely would have walked away in the sti. the bike... not so much.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2009
  12. dontcallitarex

    dontcallitarex Active Member

    Shit, glad you're alright man.

    This is why I will NEVER commute on a bike.
  13. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    Thanks everybody, but this could just as easily been anyone (the car in front of me was a mom with two kids in the back...thank god she wasn't where I was), I was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    As ironic as it is, being on the bike is what kept me from getting hit...any car in my position would have been ass-ended at 50mph.
  14. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Glad you escaped that. God was watching your back there.
  15. Jewels450

    Jewels450 Member

    I'm glad to hear your okay. there are so many crazy drivers out there you really can't be careful enough. Take care of yourself
  16. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    Drew man I'm glad your ok!!!
  17. Captain Slow

    Captain Slow Member

    Drew, you have the worst luck ever. I'm glad you're still alive.
  18. WRXCoupe

    WRXCoupe Active Member

    Hate to say but I would sell the bike ASAP. In Atlanta, it's not if, but when. Most people don't know how to drive+cell phone,GPS, Misc audio/video distractions, texting while driving, eating, or simply looking down to try to connect one of the latter to a usb port. Most idiots don't realize you give a bike twice the space you give a car when following since bikes stop twice as fast. The most epic failure is people with inferiority complexes driving huge SUV's/Pick-up trucks who drive recklessly or aggressively because of the commanding size of their vehicle plus limitless mood, personality disorders, and/or they simply had a bad day and they don't care if they wreck to get to where they are going i.e. roughly 50% (being kind) of the population here. I have to mention I have never seen so many people whip though red lights and stop signs, or simply merge in heavy traffic with no warning (no blinker).
  19. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Every time I see motorcycles on 400, I see them almost get creamed. No one see's them... cutting them off etc.. Then, when people DO see them, they tail them or slam on their brakes when they are in front of them... Not giving ANY extra room. I don't think most people know motorcycles need more time to stop etc.. And, it doesn't help that there are a few d-bag motorcycle riders blasting thru traffic, weeving in and out of cars.. tailing cars etc.. giving the rest of you guys a bad name. I wouldn't get a bike living where I do, only if I moved way out to a less populated area.

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