Something You Should All Know About Me

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by jautry27, Nov 14, 2012.

  1. jautry27

    jautry27 Member

    In the event that I say something that may piss some of you off, or you question many of the things I do, there are a few things you should know about me.

    1.) Yes, I am a disabled veteran of the United States Army.
    2.) Yes, I deployed to Bayji, Iraq in 2004.
    3.) Yes, I have PTSD, so I have the fuse of a firecracker.
    4.) I am also a full blown, Type 1 Insulin dependent diabetic and I take 4-5 shots a day by needle.

    There are other things wrong with me as well, but these are the major role players in why I make some shitty, questionable, and other choice word decisions. I get stressed very easily, get emotional, and therefore make some very rash decisions. This is all mostly due to the PTSD. Yes, I have been getting very emotional about this car of mine, and it's little stuff like this that make me go off like a A-Bomb.

    Many days I will spend sitting on the couch sulking, but many days I will work my ass off non stop. Just depends on how my brain feels like acting that day. I never know.

    Anyway, if I ever say anything that offends any of you, please take this into consideration and give me due time to apologize.
  2. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Thank you for your service... your situation with the car def sucks...
  3. mokinbird87

    mokinbird87 Active Member

    thank you for what you`ve done for our country and i wish the best for your car situation.
  4. jautry27

    jautry27 Member

    And I just want to be perfectly clear with everyone that I am not looking for sympathy or pulling a guilt trap. Just simply shedding some light on the questions you might have as to why I act the way I do sometimes and make some of the choirs I do.
  5. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    We can all have bad days bro but we will understand.

    And thank you for you service and sacrifice!!!
  6. WRXbryanATL

    WRXbryanATL Member

    Take everything you read on here very sarcastically. Basically everyone here is an ass hole to each other because the forum is so "brotherly". Pretend you are back in high school and just try not to feed the trolls. Hope to see you at a car meet soon!
  7. jautry27

    jautry27 Member

    I know, it's just sometimes my brain registers it the wrong way and I can't really help myself. That's why I said to please give me due time to apologize. It's caused me some problems before as well.

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