Sonic Yellow + Police = This Sucks!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by mmtasty, Aug 31, 2006.

  1. mmtasty

    mmtasty Active Member

    Does everyone here have constant attention from EVERY cop that passes, or is it just me? Is it the yellow??? Is it the WRX???

    I don't know if it's just one guy that hates me or what... Atleast once a week since I bought this car I've had a cop follow me so close I can't see the front of his car in my rear view (why do they do that anyway?). Honestly, I've had more attention and B.S. tickets in the last 6 months than I have in the pervious 9 years combined.

    It's not funny anymore. It's to the point where I'm ready to sell my car... I'm sorry to all those out there that are "good" cops, but I'm really not a fan of cops anymore. Hate to let a few jerks ruin your reputation, but it's all I see and all I can believe.

    WTT: Mostly Stock 2003 Sonic Yellow WRX for a White, Silver, or Black WRX!!!
  2. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    yeah, i've never really had a problem with my black rex. Sorry dude.
  3. 1ll-WRX

    1ll-WRX Active Member

    I used to get pulled over ALL the time in Hartford Conn with my Monte...I had numerous..."you fit the description...blah blah blah" and got a warning for having my graduation tassle on my rear view...(this was in college) so I feel ya....never got pulled over down here though...but I have a silver are some of the BS excuses that you've gotten?
  4. bigb996

    bigb996 teh Wannabe Mod

    when i had my WRB subi, every single cop was attracted. Its just the kinda car it is, granted to yellow prolly helps a slight bit.
  5. Deke

    Deke Active Member

    yeah both the blue and the yellow stand out pretty well (yellow more so). Liek I said before I've never really had a problem. But then again I have one of the sleepiest wrx combos you can have. Black with no spoiler.
  6. RADON

    RADON Member

    No one pays attention to ANY Legacy which is a good thing.
  7. josh booth

    josh booth Active Member

    I know what you mean man my bright ass blue 03 yeah the cops love it.
  8. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    Just coming out of a Sonic 03' I know what your talking about. Every cop no matter what there doing will stare at your car until your out of site. On my way to Gatlinburg one time a cop followed me closely for about 10 miles all the way thru this po-dunk town, wasn't speeding or anything. Something about that yellow gets cops blood going...
  9. I always wanted a yellow or blue bugeye....Id trade ya if i didnt have tons of crap on mine already
  10. BrianGT

    BrianGT Banned

    I never got pulled over during the 9 months that I owned my electric blue 05 evo, with the exception of the first week on the mountain run. I even drove around town for 1 month without a license plate, while I was waiting for the title transfer to go through.

    The new owner said that he was pulled over 10 times in it so far, so I either don't fit the stereotype, or don't have issues because I live on the westside of town.

  11. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    i haven't been harassed by cops inspite of my black car and gangsta tint... i guess it depends on where u live... i live in buckhead so the cops here are pretty busy with other things
  12. Intrigue2727

    Intrigue2727 Member

    I Got 2 Dui's By The Same Cop
  13. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    nobody should be driving drunk anyways... if im drinking, i either (1) arrange for a DD, (2) catch a cab or (3) make sure i sober up before i get behind the wheel
  14. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    I have never had an issue with cops. I have a 05 WRB WRX with Gold wheels and an STI type spoiler. If that is not attracting cops attention, then nothing will. No offense to the OP, but, Do you drive like a jackass?

    I try not to speed excessively, use my turn signals most of the time, I don't floor it around police to give them the "Your Exhaust is too Loud," excuse, and I never have problems. I have been followed once, and I know the cop was after me, but I didn't do anything that would give him a reason to pull me over.
  15. calmnothing

    calmnothing Shlimp Flied Lice Supporting Member

    I get pulled over all the time in my RS....

    Are you asian? It seems to be profiling to me =P
  16. mmtasty

    mmtasty Active Member

    That's not cool... and not what I'm getting at. Well, I take that back- a little. The new DUI law is retarded at .04-.08 is disgression, .08 is automatic. If you were .04 I feel for you. That's something I'm worried about too with all this unfair attention and some jackass cops.

    No, I don't drive crazy... and that's my point. When I was 17 I rolled a three-way stop near my house at 2am in a GTI. As he handed me my ticket I said something like "thanks, I've rolled that more than once and deserve this." He was shocked I knew I was guilty and didn't try to get out of it. That's the ONLY ticket I've ever gotten, until I bought this car. If I'm going twenty over, and I get busted, fine. I'll take the ticket and it won't bother me one bit. My beef is, among other things, I've recently had a cop pull a speed out of his ass and hand me a ticket for it!

    We all drive around 10 over if the conditions are good. We all roll stops at 2-3MPH when we can. We all have loud pipes. So all things equal, I wanted to know if it's the car or the color.

    No, I'm not Asian. I have big round eyes and no tan. :keke:
  17. jt money

    jt money 350hp mmm mmm Good! Supporting Member

    i live in kennesaw and i know how the cops are around here. i got a few bogus tickets myself in a wrb wrx. honestly with barret pkwy right down the street this has been a high profile area for a few years.
  18. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    It's rare that a cop tailgates, unless 1) he wants you to do something stupid 2) is letting you know he wants by. Try to move over a lane if possible, then go as slow as legally possible. Usually they lose interest pretty quickly when you go 45-50 in a 55. And it's easier for them to get by if that's what they wanted. Good luck!
  19. jason

    jason Member

    Yeah, Kennesaw in no joke. When I lived Right off Barret Pkwy, I probably had 5 tickets in the first year. I would have to craw home when getting off the exit to go home on a Friday or Saturday. There cracking down on all the ricers.

    For your amusement...
  20. goixiz

    goixiz Active Member

    cmon officer Dick
    I drive a wagon - its a grocery getter
  21. MarkM2016GTI

    MarkM2016GTI Supporting Member

    I never had any issues with my red sedan...I haven't even had a cop pull me over for my exhaust yet....cross my fingers...Kennesaw is pretty bad, esp. Barrett Parkway...I have lived off of Barrett Lakes Blvd for over 6 years and am ready to move out...It has gotten a lot worse with more apt. complexes going up and the proximity to the college. Just my .02 cents...I love the Sonic Yellow and the Blaze Yellow too. I saw a really sharp Sonic Yellow wagon on the way back from SC yesterday.

  22. mattprzy

    mattprzy Active Member

    Never had issues with my Red sedona pearl wrx (Sedan). Except for the two speeding tickets in which I flew by after a blind hill. (and a unmarked camero in south carolina...)
  23. Eric-RPS13-

    Eric-RPS13- Member

    I'm suprised I haven't gotten pulled over for my exhaust
    a sherriff was thinking about it yesterday or was it wed.
    oh well
    but shhheeeet you live near barret, lol you are asking for it imo
    you should talk to the nearest precent though, and say that it's ridiculous, you are a tax paying, law abiding citezen and pay their salary. Just set up an appointment with the chief of police.
    what person that is out to do trouble intentionally buys a yellow car? That's reason alone to behave. Turn the guilty by association schtick around on them
  24. KtownSubaru

    KtownSubaru Member

    I posted this in sightings i think

    My car salesman asked me why i was getting pulled over already. He called today and he may have said yesterday, but he said he saw 'my' car pulled over, which is a sonic yellow '03. So far I haven't had any mess with me, I was even coming south on 75 going about 74 and this cop that was shooting hopped in his car and started flashing and wasn't really moving. i crapped my pants but he went off after somebody else. I also slowed down a lot, maybe he just gave up on getting me and bs pulled somebody else over. The police around here suck. They flash their lights and honk 1 second before pulling over into the right turn lane and flying through a red light. I'm sure if somebody t-boned their ass they'd get the shit fined out of 'em. It's aaalll crap.
  25. MarkM2016GTI

    MarkM2016GTI Supporting Member

    I just try to keep my exhaust on the down-low....LOL...

  26. mmtasty

    mmtasty Active Member

    Wasn't me (this time...) so it looks like I'm not the only one. So if there's three Sonics around, wonder why haven't I seen another yet? Weird.
  27. KtownSubaru

    KtownSubaru Member


    This reminds me of tickets my brother and I got in the Talon TSi i eventually bought from him. Cops on highway 29 in lawrenceville made this speed trap... one just took off, I guess knowing my dumb brother in the red sports car would follow, which my dumb brother in the red sports car did. at the next street, his buddy cop pulled up behind then flashed his lights to pull him over. I was shotgun, and first thing this podunk guy said was 'gee that sure is a naaaaas (redneck for nice) car'. Whe my brother asked how he clocked him, the cop said he paced him (in the .2 seconds he was turning his lights on i guess). luckily Opus filled out the paper work wrong and there was no ticket. But i got TWO for 11 and i think 12mph over on p'tree industrial east of pleasant hill in steady traffic. Now i have too many tickets to get affordable insurance on my soon-to-be-back-on-nissan's-used-lot-future-trouble sonic yellow rex. It's a hard knock life =/
  28. knhtrdr

    knhtrdr Active Member

    I guess thats why it pays to have a wagon:) until they wonder wtf is that noise? yeah I get the look too but do even get on it hard cause that will give them a reason sometimes.
  29. jomotopia

    jomotopia Member

    i think they do it to try and goad you into speeding or brake checking them or doing something else stupid so they can pull you over. i had a cop tailgating me like that a couple of weeks ago and i just accelerated slower than my grandmother and staid 5 under the limit. then when he hit me with the radar and my V1 went off (not like he couldn't tell how fast i was going by just um, looking at his speedo :rolleyes:), i slowed to 15 under the limit. :rofl:

    i'm sure the yellow is a large part of what grabs their attention. i thought i'd get a lot more attention from the cops but i guess the white is kinda stealthy.
  30. Dacula Dean

    Dacula Dean Member

    I'm afraid I've seen too much cop silliness to feel good about the local yokels. I had a Thunderbird Turbo-Coup when I lived up in New Jersey. The State Patrol up there didn't pay any attention to traffic laws either, but they were clearly on the hunt. One night, I had two in a row come up on me, switch on the radar to make my detector blaze, then blast past me. Clearly, they were giving me a message and moving on.

    Here, they tailgate and stick to it. It's just stupid. So, I go stupid, too. Set the cruise control at 3 MPH below the speed limit and let the rest of the county go by. Let him tailgate me. If I really do have to panic stop and he hits me, it's his ass.

    It sure does feel stupid to be driving the speed limit on some of these roads, and I'm sure that they know it. Atlanta is the only place I've ever lived where the speed limit is ignored so thoroughly.

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