Is anybody else planning on going to this? I cant wait to see the Flaming Lips there.
not old enough for anyone that goes, even if you dont like cowboy mouth, i suggest seeing them, they put on a great show.
dont forget ozomatli, excellent ska/funk/jam rock/rap awesomeness, that i saw at bonnarroo. They play right before cowboy mouth and you WILL enjoy that show. However, i think i'm just going to see the Flaming Lips because you can't beat that for a free show and i've wanted to see them forever.
Family Force 5 is supposed to go on at 6. That's the band of one of my great friends. They rock the house. I'll be there for sure!!!
I have to work on Saturday, but would be down for going after work, or just waiting till Sunday. Bobby PM me with when you want to go.
i would go for cowboy mouth they are awsome....funny songs. Although seeing as its associated with 99x really turns me away. That and im not old enough anywayz haha.
Yeah I dont remember posting that, haha. Cowboy Mouth put on a great show at On the Bricks a couple years back, I think I'm just gonna go both days since it's free.