Street Racing

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by FTZ, Feb 4, 2006.

  1. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

  2. Mad Mallard

    Mad Mallard the mad mallard

    without an eye-witness account, how do they know its racing? I mean, i wouldn't think someone with a Z would bother with any Lincoln...

    this is what is called biased reporting. A factual report would have simply said excessive speed, they have no validity claiming this as street racing, or trying to bait the reader with swip-swapped language 'racing through the streets.' Bad new dept.
  3. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    LOS ANGELES, California (AP) -- A car racing another vehicle through the streets at up to 90 mph veered out of control and crashed through the front doors of a health clinic Friday, injuring 13 people, six of them critically, authorities said.

    Emergency workers rushed to treat the victims in a chaotic scene of gore, screams and shattered glass, with the black Nissan ZX still inside the clinic.

    "You just saw bones and blood all over," said Ana Rodriguez, a medical assistant at a clinic across the street.

    Dr. Amani Eldessouky, who works across the street, said she saw a woman whose legs had been severed, another woman who lost one leg and a man bleeding profusely from the head. "It was a terrible scene. I wanted to start shaking," Eldessouky said.

    Witnesses said the Nissan and a Lincoln Town Car were racing through a South Los Angeles business district when the Lincoln clipped the Nissan, sending it off course, police Lt. Paul Vernon said. The Lincoln drove off.

    The driver of the Nissan, Ijumaa Owens, 33, of Los Angeles, was taken into custody and could face reckless driving charges, or vehicular manslaughter if anyone dies, Vernon said. The occupants of the Lincoln were wanted for hit-and-run, he added.

    A deputy police chief initially said Owens appeared to be under the influence of alcohol or narcotics, but Vernon later said that did not appear to be the case.

    Owens' mother told KABC-TV in an off-camera interview that her son denied to her that he was racing or driving under the influence.

    Ten of the injured, including two children, were taken to hospitals. Two of those victims were released later Friday.

    Six victims were in critical condition, said Fire Department Assistant Chief Ralph Terrazas.
  4. Mad Mallard

    Mad Mallard the mad mallard

    hm, i read that part and it didn't register... weird...

    but that raises another question. If speeds were 90mph, how could there be a witness to observe this that wasn't being left behind, unless they were speeding too?
  5. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    That sounds pretty damn horrid. I'm curious to see how it will pan out.
  6. bigb996

    bigb996 teh Wannabe Mod

    sounds mor elike maybee some road rage, mixed with drugs and alchol.

    says he was on something. Either way glad i wasnt there i have a weak stomach. I hope eveyrone is alright htouhg.
  7. Brian

    Brian Active Member

    Horrible accident for sure, but unless they were measuring skid marks I don't buy the 90mph from witnesses.
  8. cb7stim3

    cb7stim3 Member

    i dobut they were racing

    i mean not even the stupidest mothereffers got above 65 in city streets

    and then a Nissan ZX v a lincoln town car, i think not

    probably just two guys driving fairly fast in the city then the lincoln just clipped the other guy and sped off
  9. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    i'm thinking road rage too. the z may have cut the lincoln off and the lincoln gave chase... i'd run 90+ to get away from a tank like that.

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