Stupid Drivers

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by John, May 16, 2011.

  1. John

    John Active Member

    I swear, some people should not be driving. My wife was stopped at a stop sign thismorning, and someone slammed their Lancer into the back of her Taurus.

    Dude got out and said "Opps, I missed the brake pedal"

    Can will be OK after some repairs, and my wife got a little whiplash...but for the most part is OK

  2. nygiant

    nygiant Member

    that sucks man. at least she's ok.

    i personally cannot stand how no one in this city seems to think it is ever necessary to use turn signals
  3. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    damn that sucks...If she hasn't already, take her to the ER. make sure she's okay in that regard.
  4. John

    John Active Member

    She is at the ER right now getting checked out. She will likely be fine, but we want her to get checked out anyways.

    This is almost up there with the person that backed into the side of the Taurus a few years ago and got out and said "OMG I'm so sorry! I forgot to look!"
  5. mokinbird87

    mokinbird87 Active Member

    i had one where a teen was doing her make-up and slowly started to veer into my lane so i had to get on my brakes and make a quick right turn... she looked and me and laughed it off WTF...
  6. StevenSTi

    StevenSTi Member

    not me typing. sorry to everyone
    Last edited: May 17, 2011
  7. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member need to get your anger in check..that shit right there is not cool. You follow a mother and daughter around and vandalize their car because they veer into your lane? If that was my wife and kid I would hunt your ass down...

    You have issues...
  8. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    I don't believe this story one bit.

    If it is true be glad it not my'd have a STi burnt to the ground only after a severe ass whupping.
  9. Mad Mallard

    Mad Mallard the mad mallard

  10. nygiant

    nygiant Member

    this is how things are done in the north...philly, nj, nyc, bmore...ppl are too nice down south to do things like this on a regular basis
  11. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    Yeah but down south it is a felony...remember the road rage law that passed?
  12. nygiant

    nygiant Member

    lmao @ road rage law
  13. StevenSTi

    StevenSTi Member

    I dont even remember typing that, nor do I remember posting in this just popped up as a subscribed thread when I signed in this morning

    Ive gotta stop leaving my computer up when I have friends over, I had a few people over last night and this is not the first time this has happened on a forum

    sorry if this offended anyone, but I WOULD NOT DO ANYTHING LIKE THIS. I'm an asshole, but Im not that much of an asshole

    ok, back to the topic at had lol
  14. StevenSTi

    StevenSTi Member

    lol I went back and read again what was written, that shit is so unbelievable I know exactly who would concoct a story like that and I will get them back. sorry again
  15. nygiant

    nygiant Member

    LOL hahaa!! multiple personality disorder?
  16. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    What is funny? I know one person that has been arrested for it and a few that have gotten other people arrested for it.
  17. StevenSTi

    StevenSTi Member

    I wish, cause if there were more people like me, even if its just me with more mes inside, the world would be an awesome place.

    this person has gotten me in trouble on other forums in the past by doing this
  18. StevenSTi

    StevenSTi Member

    In GA, its not really a "road rage law", it falls under the heading of aggressive driving. GA was at one time trying to pass an actual Road Rage law but to my knowledge it never passed and so police still consider it aggressive driving
  19. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    you should look into locking your computer ;)
  20. StevenSTi

    StevenSTi Member

    I know. I should have learned the first couple of times. sorry again
  21. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    I smell horse shit but Ill let it pass. :cool:
  22. StevenSTi

    StevenSTi Member

    I only smell bull shit...he posted it on 3 other forums Im on as well, a copy and paste word for word. I already deleted it on those forums as well. I already got him back, outed him on facebook and changed his password so he cant get on to change it ;)

    his girl hooked me up with his password after I told her what he did :rofl:
  23. StevenSTi

    StevenSTi Member

    apparently he got his password reset and deleted my status updates I made for him lol

    hes not happy and is sending me and some of my other buddies mean text messages as we speak :rofl:
  24. StevenSTi

    StevenSTi Member

    last update and Im done with it and a mod can delete these off-topic posts if they want, I am once again sorry to the guys offended on here...I feel I have officially paid him back

    his mom called him crying asking if he was really gay...thats how he figured out what happened and got right on and made the changes, but it had been on FB for almost an hour before he realized it :rofl:
  25. Mad Mallard

    Mad Mallard the mad mallard

    Technology, we must remember, is still in fact made by people...
  26. Trancetto

    Trancetto Active Member

    Not everyone is perfect. I mean, look at Cool___.
  27. Cool_____

    Cool_____ Banned

    Correction NOONE is perfect.
  28. Trancetto

    Trancetto Active Member

    Oprah is.
  29. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

  30. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    That is freaking awesome!
  31. StevenSTi

    StevenSTi Member

    I was under the impression that Obama is perfect liking him not the "cool" thing anymore?
  32. John

    John Active Member

    A little update on whats going on. The other driver is being a pain in the ass. He is avoiding the insurance company, so insurance won't do anything until they talk to him. I argued with them on the phone for awhile today and said that it was obviously his fault. He rear ended my vehicle and got the citation. The insurance dude said "Well it wouldn't be fair if we didn't collect a statement from him."

    Pain in the ass. In the mean time, I'm having to pay out of pocket for medical shit
  33. John

    John Active Member

    far from it
  34. Raziel1

    Raziel1 Member

    Yea..I don't believe that for one second..u fucked up...end of story
  35. Raziel1

    Raziel1 Member

    Dude I'm really sorry to hear this.. I truly hope ur wife is ok and ur situation gets better real soon.
  36. Mad Mallard

    Mad Mallard the mad mallard

    this is pretty much standard. the insurance company works for that guy, not you, so of course they at least need a recorded statement to either approve or refuse your claim.

    I'd be prepared to drag this out civilly. Do you have your own full coverage? If you do, it might behove you to make a claim on your own insurance, then let them decide how to go after the other guy in subrogation. They tend to have more resources to deal with the other party dragging their feet than you do.

    in the meantime, save every receipt.
  37. John

    John Active Member

    Just got off the phone with the guy at State Farm handling the claim.

    They still haven't been able to reach the driver who rear ended the Taurus. Aparently, his phone is shut off. State Farm is telling me that they have to "exhaust" their resources to get a hold of him. They are sending him a letter in the mail. Oh joy

    On a side note, My insurance won't cover anything since I only have liability on the Taurus
  38. cMags

    cMags Member

    Ouch dude, that's not cool. Hope it all works out for ya.
  39. John

    John Active Member

    No its not cool.

    Dude who hit my wife is on probation, got citations, etc. Sounds like a real winner
  40. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    Do we need to send out a search party for him? Drag his ass to state farm office?
  41. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    pretty sure the state farm office is the last place we'd drag him...
  42. John

    John Active Member

    As frustrated as I am with this situation, you two actually cracked me up a little bit.

    I've heard of people lying about what happened to draw things out, but avoiding it all together is just retarded
  43. John

    John Active Member

    I convinced State Farm to go ahead and come out to inspect the damage. They are on their way. I wanted to get this out of the way, that way things will just go faster when they start moving
  44. John

    John Active Member

    Guy from state farm came out and inspected the car. I crawled under the car to look at the core support because he said it was broken. Sure enough, it snaped in half lol. I don't know why I haven't really looked at the damage before now.

    Here is what its looking like. Bumper cover is pretty scuffed up and it doesn't line up right anymore. The bumper has kind of reshaped its self, so physical damage to it isn't as bad as it was right after the accident. Taurus bumpers are weird. If you crush them, they will slowly go back to their normal shape. A few years ago I scrunched up the front bumper while backing off a ramp that broke...and it fixed itsself haha.


  45. Jake

    Jake Active Member

    you people about road rage crack me up. ride a motorcycle, then let me know what your feelings on road rage are. if someone passes me then proceeds to run me off the road, cut me off, you know generally threaten my LIFE, then dammit i think a broken mirror or boot in the door is the LEAST i can do
  46. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

  47. AutoxSTi

    AutoxSTi Member

    Man, glad the wife is ok. Hope you get it sorted out.

    Stuff like this, is why I drive with three cameras on record every day. Front, Rear and inside to show my speed and everything else I say or do.
  48. John

    John Active Member

    you seriously record every mile you drive?
  49. b reel

    b reel Active Member

    sounds like he's a cop or worse, he works for Atlanta Gas Light
  50. AutoxSTi

    AutoxSTi Member

    Yes I do. However, there is a retention period of one month, just in case someone puts a call out on me.

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