Well. all you slackers aren't signing up for the school, so now I'm offering a combo, open track time, minimal instruction - $200. Schooling, 100% instruction, pics, video, classroom materials, drinks, priority track time - $400. THIS COMING THURSDAY - August 23rd. Siegel
I'd be all over it if only my rotors, pads and clutch weren't worn out. And I didn't need a tune. Bump!
I got your text message. I'd be all over this but I'm going to San Francisco for my birthday tomorrow.
Well i did it...ditched out on work and went to the track. What a blast, it was hot as fawk, but worth every single minute. I had planned to just pay the minimum but quickly coughed up the rest to get the full suite that Siegel Racing Driver Education Clinic had to offer. Boy I sure am glad...because without his instruction I would have probably done some damage. Example: I went off just before the U turn had a few more laps went in for some schooling by the Siegel, on the next outing due to the knowledge learned (in previous class session) I saved that exact situation from happening at least on 4 other occasions. What a professor he truly is...If you have ever wanted, thought about, or plan to go to the track I highly suggest taking his SRDEC. It helped me greatly and I will probably not sleep for days thinking about my next session! Lessons learned - Get some good pads and Brake fluid (Especially the fluid) I had serious fade...HP+'s demolished my ebay rotors (fronts only) what garbage pads they were simply coming apart but could have been an issue with the cheap rotors as the surface was smooth as a babies ass last night and pretty much destroyed from the pad chunks. Next: New pads XP10's Front XP 8's Rear, new rotors, the best fluid I can find, and some damn good tires. I really want to go out with some good tires these Nexen N3000's suck ass! My car was performing awesome and I really want to see what I am capable of if I do the changes above. Thanks Scott for a wonderful day!
Sorry Scott, didn't realize you had your own forum. I just check out New Posts from the top bar and wasn't paying attn. You guys have fun out there. :beer: