Track Day opportunity at Talladega Gran Prix, for January 26, 2013. Limited to 20 spots, $145.00 per spot. 4 run groups of 5 cars, running 15 minutes or so every hour, 9-5, with an hour break for lunch. There will be several instructors at the track, and I will have my Wagon and will be shaking down a ChumpCar for the February Road Atlanta race. This is a really fun, laid-back track, and a pretty cheap track day, too. I have a post on my Facebook page with a running tally, and a post on the forums section of So far, I have 7-8 expressing a serious interest. If interested, your spot will be reserved by receipt of payment. I am not a business, just an individual putting on a low-key track day. I have done this for about 4 years at Lil' Tally. There will be no refunds once payment has been received, but you can sell/donate your spot to someone else if a conflict or problem develops. Hope to see some of my Subie brothers and sisters out there. You can pm me here, or email at if you have any questions. Len Gregor