Hey guys, just wanted to thank you personally for coming out, I enjoyed seeing all them scoobies :bowdown: it was nuts how many of you guys came out. way to rep. (sorry about the new guy knocking on the WRX)
bah no worries about kabir..im sure he didnt mean to offend anyone..thanks for inviting us out there!! i had a really good time and have the sunburn to prove it..let us know if you guys have any get togethers
you guys are MORE THEN WELCOME to come to any of our 2 regular monthly meets each month we make a roll call thread about it. first sundays and 3rd fridays oh ya and you will get to see my car if you go to another meet, my alternator wanted scuba lessons and drowned
thanks you guys for having us out to the show. i had a blast and slight blistering from the sun. :rofl: looking forward to seeing you guys at nopi! not that it matters but do you guys know what club had the biggest turn out. it was pretty close between us and the 350/g35 group.
the Yugo/Gremlin club actually had the most with 150 they were parked around back though lol jk I think you did though
Thank you once again for your invitation! We had an amazing time! I'll be in touch in the effort to setup a few mixed g2g's for the two of our clubs and hopefully a mountain run or two...
oh sweeeet myself and another seloc member have in the works a monthly general car meet (as in any make) in the Marietta area, tonight we ate at Marietta diner and went over some ideas. We're thinking a 2nd Monday might be a fun thing, break up the annoyingness of a Monday *shrug* and that we couldn't think of any car meets on the 2nd whatever of the month. I am trying to get some ideas from others, so bounce them off me, and I would like to get some ppl from other clubs in as organizers, that way it has more of a diverse "management" so to speak. and yes mountain runs, my personal form of cocaine
Great idea, we've always been a fan of install days, bbq's, andretti, etc. Install days for us go over really well--everyone brings some sort of food. At least, Alex and I always have our spicy chilly :wiggle: More importantly, everyone always leaves with something new in or on their cars. Its just an all around fun time for everyone no matter their knowledge or skill level. We've got a 300 member party in the works and I'd love it if we could bring in more of the Atlanta community to help us throw down and celebrate! :wavey:
WAHOO! sounds great Alex. Never done an install day with more then 4-5 cars though, that's gotta be nuts. Who wants to do an install day and drop a GTE in my car? haha just kidding. I'm gonna check it out to see what condition this motor is in b4 I buy it, it's got almost 100k miles on it. Personally I am not a fan of andretti's carts, they need a fat guy fuel map or nitro or something for us big dudes. rofl I do like the games and atmosphere there though, Startime is also good, lots of pool tables and the like. Mazzy's is really close and has tons of pool tables and dart boards. ...dang I am tired as heck, I've been downloading everyone's pics into my Show pics folder, taken forever, been on 5 forums and tons of webshot type sites. My finger is tired...
hey eric dont forget to link us up when the seloc show photo page is done. i would like to see the pics we missed!
yea thanks for throwing the show it was a blast.......what is the forums for the z/g35 guys? i want to thank them for being a good competitor with us and having some pimp cars.
ask mr mike, I need to find that out myself pics (might have to join SELOC to view) http://www.seloc.net/modules.php?se...ame=gallery&file=index&include=view_album.php
well lets get it goin then. the first seloc wrxatl install day! i dont have anything to install but i got hands to lend.
ok I posted a thread on seloc and goofed one up here here is the seloc one http://www.seloc.net/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=4447 8/20 saturday, at either my house or a public park that has a nice flat out of the way spot near me, and we shouldn't get hassled (it's right near lassister HS)