The Antics of My Day.

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Alex, Jun 8, 2005.

  1. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    So guess what's torn...on both top hats. We air ratched those guys down so now they're not going anywhere. Most importantly, I'd like to thank Scott for tolerating me all day and willing to lend a hand.

    I've been hearing a lot of response from my front right spring. While under the car with Scott today for my performance alignment I found the that my CB boot is punctured and is spewing grease everywhere. From talking to Alan it seems like the axel is in good shape, I just need to take it easy on it until we get it repaired. They have the boot, but not the clamp. This will be fixed on Friday. This of course means that the front will go out of alignment again because that side will have to be fixed.

    While under the car we also found that both of my rear endlinks had inverted themselves. Both of us had heard about this, but never had seen it. It was, it really wasnt. We threw on a new set stockers, and while we were under there we went ahead and put in a 22-24-26 whiteline rsb. Yay. My back rear had insane negative camber (-2 degrees). Classic nearly stripped the toe bolts when they did the last alignment on the car.

    Everyone who walked by the car commented on the dent. :wtc:

    In addition to the blown CB boot my steering rack bushings are shot, they're just like "chewing gum". Thanks Scott for the rewording ;) I just called them "fucked up". How are these like this already? I hardly push the car on the streets and for christ's sake, I hardly drive the car.

    On the lighter side of things, I got the spend the day with Scott talking about cars non stop. I ran into John (of course), as well as met Clay (Rex Rocker). Had some lunch at Chiptole, went to Fry's with Scott, Alex and Heather to buy what Ive been meaning to buy for the longest time...a direct line so I can run my mp3 player into my HU. Enough of this piss poor low quality FM transmission. Now it sounds like I'm listening to CDs again...goody.

    We went for a ride in Javids car to see what he was talking about (complained he had killed his whiteline srb's). This wasnt the case we think...That car is crazy though :eek:hnoes:

    I know have three new paper weights: 2 bent end links and a nearly stripped camber bolt :wiggle: Also have the stock STi 20mm rear sway for sale for $40.

    If I forgot something, I'll let you guys know.

    Here are the alignment specs...
    LF Camber: -1.3°
    LF Toe: 0.03°

    RF Camber: -1.3°
    RF Toe: 0.03°

    LR Camber: -1.5°
    LR Toe: 0.03°

    RR Camber: -1.8°
    RR Toe: 0.02°
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 9, 2005
  2. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Oh, I forgot to mention that while trying to fix the up install on Alex's car my dad's bike rack collapsed ontop of me and damn neared gave me a concussion. I also may owe alex a new right fender. Luckly, I had closed his hood so we could put it up on ramps before the post fell on me and pushed me into the car.
  3. moose

    moose Infina Mooooooose!

    Dibs on swaybars if it fits my wagon.

    Edit: scratch that, looks like it's wider than a WRX one.
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2005
  4. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    It'll fit, just need endlinks.
  5. Genya

    Genya No Longer Up At Odd Hours

    I have a good place to handle STi axles for pretty cheap if its not warranty.. lemme know. I feel ya on the DenT! I have my dented fender hanging in the garage now, it drove me nuts. Also my links did the same thing (not gonna get started on that issue :mad: ) inverted until they snapped against the lateral link but now they are fixed ^_^
  6. rexrocker

    rexrocker Active Member

    Bummer on the car man! Good luck with everything. I love the dent, no worries. :) It was great meeting you...and yes folks, Alex does exist. :D Great meeting the other Alex too! Later.
  7. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    he's just a halucination :D

    sorry to hear about the stuff ur goin thru with ur car... seems like the problems never end... lemme know if u need anything
  8. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    wish i was there... :(
  9. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    *sniff* a hug... :wiggle:

    I'll be going back friday to get the cb boot fixed, if anyone is free just give me a call. I'll be around.
  10. jt money

    jt money 350hp mmm mmm Good! Supporting Member

  11. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    hahahahahahahah..... jt u have some of the funniest pics ever.... :bigthumb:

    alex: i'll be goin to SOG friday to hang out with chris while he gets his car ecutek'd... i'll probably also have willis detail my car if he's available
  12. WRX-WRC

    WRX-WRC Active Member

    damn, maybe i can take off work since all you guys are going tomorrow.
  13. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Are you working now today alex?
  14. ScoobyMike

    ScoobyMike OG Mod

    ziiipppppitttt Alex.....jk yeah what are you working on today?
  15. halvdan

    halvdan Member

    sucks :-(

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