The War Vets (bdydrpdmazda) 2004 STi

Discussion in 'Member Journals & Project Build Stories' started by bdydrpdmazda, Jun 17, 2009.

  1. bdydrpdmazda

    bdydrpdmazda New Member

    I guess my story has to start back with my 2003 Sentra Spec V. I was deployed to Iraq from Aug 2005 to Nov 2006 and I spent all my money doing all the bolt ons and paying off my sentra so it would be ready for all my extra money to go in when I got back to the good ol US of A but that didnt exactly go as planned. When i got back i spotted the STi sitting at the same Nissan dealership that i had bought the Sentra from brand new a few years earlier and I told my wife that it would be mine soon and she proceeded to tell me that I had just spent all this money paying off the car i already had and there was no way i was trading it in! Right then and there I noticed that my Sentra wasnt sounding like it was doing too good and that it had started to knock and I told her that if we didnt trade it in right then it would eventually need a new motor and we would be screwed. So she caved in and let my get my bone stock 2004 STi in May 2007. The car still sits bone stock right now but as approach my next deployment to war this journal should gets quite interesting and exciting. I will be starting on the overhaul in August and Im hoping it will be an absolute monster when i get back. This is my first turbo car and my first AWD car and I could not be happier with it. I dont see me ever trading it in. Stay tuned in over the next ten months though as I keep everyone posted on the transformation of my sweet scubie!
  2. Mad Mallard

    Mad Mallard the mad mallard

    keep your head down. As you get net access, let us know if there's something we can send you guys. :]
  3. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    Well said
  4. wagunz_pwn

    wagunz_pwn Active Member

    I am 99% certain they would want...

  5. bdydrpdmazda

    bdydrpdmazda New Member

    Beef jerky and fresh cope FTW

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