i dunno how much time im gonna have this week... if u guys can decide on something closeby, i might be able to make an appearence
I know, you guys should all come to white squad tryouts:bigthumb: http://cyberbuzz.gatech.edu/cheer/tryouts.html All the gold squad guys have to be there so I'll be there having to stunt big girls that think they can make it . We should do something at tech saterday night. I still havn't met any of you guys.
how bout bowling... there are some lanes on monroe (i think) where they have cheap midnight bowling just a suggestion... ps: they also have :beer:
I wont be able to do anything saturday night. Somebody on NASIOC was planning a local meet this weekend if you wanna go crash that. I'd be open for something on friday possibly. Hey jeb, you mentioned something about a roommate having some 500HP Lightning. Is it the sonic blue one with the shaker hood that I've seen around on west campus? I saw it drive by the other day and it sounded pretty mean.
yep that's him, He's putting lambo doors on prety soon I think. He already has one xbox installed in the dash with a 6.5" fold up screen and wants to get another one put a cover and a 17" screen in the bed and hook them up. People in the front could play 4v4 halo against people in the back. He wins all kinds of shows with it right now though, his xbox install is insane.
jeb- my bro has an xbox in the car... its awesome to play when the car is parked but i get motion sickness real easy porter- i'll try to swing by and check out ur car... however, considering how much homework i have to do now, the possibility is remote.
My friend's 240SX had an Xbox and flip up TV in it but then he thought he was a ricer so he took it out. It was pretty fun playing Midnight Club while he was speeding around. I'm working tonight so no more Northpoint meets for me for a while.
Northpoint happens every Thursday, it's not a Subaru-exclusive thing. It's just a bunch of car folks hanging out, talking shop. It's pretty low-key and generally a good time.
evenings... last time we reached there around 8... i think people started showing up around then... if u get there by 9 or 9.30, there should be a decent number of cars
400N -> Exit 8. Take a right off the exit, make first left. Get in right lane, stay straight until you see Target parking lot. Turn right, everyone starts to crowd in around 830-900. Have fun Be sure to drop the sitename whenever you're introducing yourself :bigthumb:
well i haven't fixed my car yet so can i still come, i'll be driving my POS honda? i'll park far away from the sexy subies
I swear, I think I am going to make an archived section for the forum and just move everything there and lock it. Smartass :rofl: