So I just bought this 04 wrx sedan, Bunch of dings, and a cheap paint job was done. So I have been doing a lot of research and came across the idea of wrapping a car with vinyl. The color im thinking of is a satin/dark orange. Why? It seems to be a pretty good idea, though time consuming, I don't mind. Not only that, its about 1/3 the price of getting a legitimate paint job done, and can be removed at anytime. But still can last years if taken care of. What do you think?
did it myself..... so about 20 hours. Got a majority of the material for a good deal on eBay. Have not been able to locate similar pricing without buying an entire roll and splitting it up. A roll will do ~3 cars.
Thats looks flawless. But alright I will get rid of the dents first. How much did it cost of ebay? the ones wrap i was looking to buy is $420
Can't remember actually- the original amount was enough for ~85% of the car, the remaining 15% cost almost as much, but allowed me to redo the hood as well. It was the first panel I wrapped and didn't like the color distortion I had where I stretched too much. DO NOT get gloss vinyl, that stuff shows scratches worse than stock Subaru paint. Oh, and it was done quite well. I would never say flawless as I am a perfectionist; but many said it was the best wrap job they had seen. So much so that the BMW dealership took it with the wrap, giving me more for it than if I were to remove it prior to trade.
ahh ok, probably go with the military green then. What was the hardest part for you? How the hell do you even do the door handle lol
first thing, I removed them in order to get a seam free wrap on the door under the handles. Then wrapped around the handles and reinstalled. There is a seam on the back side of the handle itself.