For those who don't know me. I got popped in January doing over 120 in a 55. I finally went to court for the second time and the officer didn't show up again. The judge came accross extremely hard. She said she could put me in jail the whole deal.:eek3: My lawyer argued the case. Since i did driving school, she let me take the lesser of the two which is wreckless driving. 4 points and only a $250 fine. Boy did i get lucky. I think it was a good thing the officer wasn't there. On top of everything else i can submit my driving school receipt into the insurance company after the points hit and get them wipped off as well. All in all God was in my favor. No more street racing. Just 0-speed limit very quickly...... I will be taking it to the track or Jimmy Deloach..... :naughty: Officer Green "My speedo was buried at 120 and you left me like i was standing still"
I guess this puts to rest the old wives tale that if the officer doesn't show, you get to walk. because obviously with you, that's not the case.
I dont know where this ever was true, everytime Ive been to traffic court they specifically state "If the officer does not show, your court case will be rescheduled". Congrats on the outcome
They rescheduled once. But now the poor officer was sick, so the judge had to go strictly by the ticket. To my understanding to many cases where getting thrown out due to officers not being able to show or getting tied up. I guess it was hurting Gov. Funds
"Just 0-speed limit very quickly...... " watch that one too dude, a cop can cite most displays of speed as "racing" or "wreckless driving", and with your newly acquired record, it would only bolster the cop's case (precedent) i would ask blueline what you can and can't get away with before trying anything
yeah i think if the speed lilmit was for example 45 mph and you took off at a light like a bat outta hell, but didn't go over a cop may pull you over. that's awesome you got what you got, and not any worse than you expected.
Not to be rude, but I hope you'll slow it down some. You're not only putting yourself in danger but also little kids and women and other peoples property and that is absolutely not acceptable. Glad things are going well though.
Trust me i learned my lesson. The funny thing about it is i am usually the one that drives like a gramma. I just was stupid that night. Anyway, like i said i will only be racing on a track. I just wish they had a decent one that was closer.
True dat. It's bad enough the cops are already labeling us as street racers n' shit just because of having a fast car. At least they label domestic drivers too.
The lawyer didn't motion for dismissal on 6th amendment rights? You're supposed to have the right to 'have the witnesses of the crime testify against you', before a judge can pass anything as long as you pleaded not guilty. Thats the reasoning behind the officer not showing up business from what i understand.
you need to do what i do, put a freakin sticky on your dash with "don't drive stupid" written in big black letters!
Yeah, but the officer's written record of the incident (the ticket) can serve that purpose, although not quite as well. Same goes for a lot of things..... if I know I can't be in court for some reason, I can ask another officer to stand in my place (even if he/she has no knowledge of the case) and simply read and answer questions from my report. It's not as effective as me actually testifying, but it'll do in a pinch.
Good info man. I'm sure we all appreciate it. Did you know that, when accidents (fender bender type) occur on an Army installations the victim has the right to decide if he or she want's to handle repair of the damages with or without involving the insurance companies? It saves MP's the mounds of extra paperwork.
holy crap man, you lucked up that he never took you to jail from the begining. I know around here they throw you in there for those kind of speeds. Glad to hear it turned out well for you.