Tomorrow, I'm getting trashed!

Discussion in 'Peanut Gallery' started by mmtasty, Nov 3, 2008.

  1. mmtasty

    mmtasty Active Member

    If anyone needs me tomorrow night I'll be face down in my toilet for one of two reasons:
    1- Obama wins and I'm so depressed I use Jager for a chaser.
    2- McCain wins and I'm so happy I can't find my pants.
  2. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member

    Complete opposite for me!
  3. dontcallitarex

    dontcallitarex Active Member

    I'm with you, my friend.

    And yeah, hopefully I'll be wasted.
  4. techlord

    techlord Active Member

    LOL Mike I took off Wed so I can watch this unfold and get tanked myself.
    Same as you my friend. McCain FTMFW
  5. flat4ever666

    flat4ever666 Member

    Yeah if Obama wins ill prob. do some drugs ive never done...and like it!
  6. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk

    lololol :rofl::rofl::rofl:

    You should try this

    Check out the 5th one

  7. mmtasty

    mmtasty Active Member

    I thought about that too, but what if Obama really IS Satan and tomorrow is rapture?

    LSD + rapture would be a really bad first experience... :rofl::eek3::wtc:
  8. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    Damn, that reporter is HAWT
  9. Bug-Rex

    Bug-Rex Active Member

  10. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member

    HOLY SHIT that reporter is hot.
  11. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    I kept clicking on the picture hoping it was a video and I could see more of her.

    I need to know who you are.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2008
  12. flat4ever666

    flat4ever666 Member

    Oh god i didnt think about that, now i really scared about my situation. Maybe ill stick with coke...j/k
  13. blaster

    blaster my other ride is your mom Supporting Member

    That lady's all over I could do some searching around to find out her name, but I don't think it's a good idea for me to be looking around for "hot newscaster" while I'm at work.
  14. josh booth

    josh booth Active Member

    McCain FTMFW!!! :bowdown:
  15. Matt

    Matt Think before you post Staff Member Supporting Member

    I always knew there was a reason I liked you guys. :D
  16. SonicBoom

    SonicBoom Active Member

    I will be off and getting tanked as well.... And I have to say I'll be equally depressed with either outcome... This is like voting for the best of 2 kids with down syndrome... One of these days there will be a candidate I atually like, I'm optimistic!
  17. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member

    back to the more important topic. Where can i find that reporter?
  18. oneiguy

    oneiguy Active Member

  19. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member

    ......i would touch my self to her for the rest of my life...
  20. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member

    Found a topless of her, though i wont post that up here. Its on google images( just make sure monitored search is off)
  21. FACE

    FACE Active Member

    Check out the 5th one

    ...Epic Fail...
  22. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member

  23. 07Ltd#767

    07Ltd#767 The Neighborhood Drunk


    talk about a thread getting off track :rofl::rofl:


    I feel the same, my analogy has been would you rather drink a diarrhea milkshake or eat a hotdog bun with a turd in it, either way it tastes like shit.
  25. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    Twas the Night Before Elections

    ‘Twas the night before elections
    And all through the town
    Tempers were flaring
    Emotions all up and down!

    I, in my bathrobe
    With a cat in my lap
    Had cut off the TV
    Tired of political crap.

    When all of a sudden
    There arose such a noise
    I peered out of my window
    Saw Obama and his boys

    They had come for my wallet
    They wanted my pay

    To give to the others
    Who had not worked a day!

    He snatched up my money
    And quick as a wink
    Jumped back on his bandwagon
    As I gagged from the stink

    He then rallied his henchmen
    Who were pulling his cart
    I could tell they were out
    To tear my country apart!

    ‘ On Fannie, on Freddie,
    On Biden and Ayers!
    On Acorn, On Pelosi’
    He screamed at the pairs!

    They took off for his cause
    And as he
    flew out of sight
    I heard him laugh at the nation
    Who wouldn’t stand up and fight!

    So I leave you to think
    On this one final note-
  26. BelvnAWD

    BelvnAWD I'm Vin, Bell-Vin...

    There aren't enough roll eyes on the internet to respond to this thread....enjoy your hangovers....
  27. mmtasty

    mmtasty Active Member

    Two beers and 1/2 a fifth of vodka with a 24oz. Monster down... feeling buzzed....
  28. josh booth

    josh booth Active Member

    ^^^ It's not looking good for us man.... This s**t sucks...
  29. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member

    Good for me :naughty:
  30. mmtasty

    mmtasty Active Member

    Spilled my last drink... so minus one, add 50 points of party foul... I'm back to "sober" now.

    You go ahead and be glad... if you have a job now, after Nobama wins and your boss gets taxed so bad he has to lay you off you probably will be singing a different tune, as you stand in the unemployment line...
  31. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member

    None too worried my friend. Since laying me off would make my company loose 1-2 million a year . :hsnono:. That and i dont make 250,000 yet.
  32. mmtasty

    mmtasty Active Member

    It's TOTALLY pointless to talk about this now, but Obama people should have done some HW about what his plans REALLY mean. I agree that it sounds great on paper, but if you think about the repercussions for even a second what he wants to do it's a disaster! Communism works in theory, but in reality it's an obamation (obvious choice of adjective)!

    And on an EXTREME note... I'm sorry to inform you guys... But the apocalypse has begun...

    For hundreds of years the "Anti-Christ" is of middle-eastern decent and will be called "the messiah." He'll be a charismatic speaker, have a powerful position, and rule for just over 3.5 years. According to Nostradamus and the Mayan calendar, I'm sure you've heard of the whole 2012 end-of-the-world thing...
  33. mmtasty

    mmtasty Active Member

    Question! How would you feel if you busted your ass to make $250K a year. Would you want such a high tax that you wish you hadn't worked so hard?
  34. mmtasty

    mmtasty Active Member


    You are worth 1-2 million and you don't make $250K???? I'm calling B.S. on that...
  35. mmtasty

    mmtasty Active Member

    I'm NOT a huge McCain guy... I'm just an ANTI Obama guy.
  36. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member

    Well, i wrote the product, am the only one that knows it. It would take them ALOT of money to teach someone else making LESS than i do
  37. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member

    btw, Its not like the 250 bracket is paying OMFG more. They are paying 2% more. same number as the clinton years.
  38. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member

    And yes, i know may people making over 250 voting for obama.:wavey:
  39. mmtasty

    mmtasty Active Member

    Taxes aside... yikes!

    And you should ask for more salary if you're worth that much!!!

    Look, I'm not a McCain fan... I just think Obama would be the worst thing to ever happen to this world.
  40. mmtasty

    mmtasty Active Member

    You know many stupid idiots.
  41. mmtasty

    mmtasty Active Member

    It's not about taxes... It's about the roll of government in our lives. Osama is the most radical Democrat to ever run for president, and we all know that if he weren't BLACK and smooth talking he'd be looked at as a insane communist.
  42. jeb

    jeb Member

    Wow, this thread for the win. BTW I want to pay a shit ton of taxes, bc that means I'm making a shit ton of money
  43. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member

  44. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    There will be none of this.
  45. jeb

    jeb Member

    Sounds partisanly biased to me ;)
  46. jeb

    jeb Member

    and I made that word up
  47. nsvwrx

    nsvwrx Active Member

  48. Bug-Rex

    Bug-Rex Active Member

    We're all screwed.... :wtc::unamused::wtc::unamused::wtc:
  49. integroid

    integroid Supporting Member

    We are screwed....mmtasty...I am right there with you on the drinking.
  50. slowwrx

    slowwrx Supporting Member

    "I Hope We Can"

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