Took the plunge...head first (another)

Discussion in 'Sports' started by goixiz, Sep 8, 2006.

  1. goixiz

    goixiz Active Member

    but i didnt do it as stylish as Clay
    ANd i dare not post the pictures

    NOPE i didnt trade my 92x for an STi
    BUt i did take a plunge head first last night

    While riding in a fast paced group ride at 30+ mph a moron decided he should be in front of the group and passing in between me and another rider and bumped my shoulder and then continue to pass me and clipped my front wheel taking half my spokes out (front wheel) and send me airborne. I did land on face first (with helmet) and i tucked as soon as i could and rolled for a bit = hence a lot of road rash and scars.

    What should i tell my new employer on monday ? Starting a new job and looked like i had a brawl with Holifield

    do you think i can claim a JRA (just riding along)
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 8, 2006
  2. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    Man that sucks, glad you are ok. I would tell your Employer the truth. Just tell him you were out riding, and someone cut you off which caused an accident. Tell them that you are moderately hurt, but didn't want to miss your first day.

    Or you could just say you were at a bar over the weekend, celebrating for the start of the new job. You got trashed and started talking shit to some big dude, who you later found out was a linebacker for the Falcons. Tell them you must have crossed the line with one of your jokes to the guy, and he knocked you the F*&^ out.

    I would go with the first scenario, but if you wanted to have a little fun, #2 would be the way to go.
  3. rexrocker

    rexrocker Active Member

    Damn dude...sorry to hear it, but I'm glad you are OK. It's scary as hell when you suddenly aren't on the saddle anymore and trying to control your fall. I had a bad fall about 6 weeks back and tore up my elbow, hip and ankle badly. It sucks...I know you're a much more experienced rider than me, but, I'll try to give you some advice -- each time I think about the crash, I have been trying to look at it on the bright side...

    1. You were wearing a helmet, therefore, your brain is safe
    2. You didn't break anything, besides maybe some pride
    3. The guy owes you a new set of the high-end Mavics!!! :D

    Hang in there bro. I have a closet full of bandages and road rash supplies after my fall, if you need anything. :D

    Once you're healed up, we need to get a ride in at some point!
  4. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    hope u arent hurt too bad... i have had some bad bicycle accidents when i was younger so i understand where ur coming from
  5. Ouch! Did the guy say anything afterward?

    How you liking those eagles? I just hate the soft sidewalls...
  6. goixiz

    goixiz Active Member

    i like the f1s
    very grippy on corners and i have stiffer springs so im not sure i noticed the softer sidewalls I got 215s on 17x7" rims so maybe the 215 are ok because the sidewalls are straight (not bowed at all)
  7. lostinthewoods

    lostinthewoods Frisco Tx Baller

    How did you fall clay? :hsugh: :keke:

    Just kidding man. We need to get on the bikes again.

    When you going to get your rack on the STI???

  8. lostinthewoods

    lostinthewoods Frisco Tx Baller

    Glad your ok man! I have dodged number of those incidents when someone decides they need to make that sudden cut.

    Get those wounds healed and let me know when you may be riding. Love get in on some group riding! I am loosing my pack skillz. I can probalby drag Clay (rexrocker) around

    So when you riding in the moutains next... Love to join up with ya sometiime

  9. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Reminds me of a time when I was biking over in Stone Mountain on one of their trails and I was caught in the rain. I went up over an embankment and it collapsed, sending me over the top of the handles and consequently the bike over me ending in dramatic 20ft slide through the mud and rocks.

    Just go in and tell your boss that he's crazy. You dont have any scabs or scars.
  10. rexrocker

    rexrocker Active Member

  11. goixiz

    goixiz Active Member

    the scabs are crunchy and when i try to move it cracks and ooozzz again darn it
    I know thats not a picture you like to have

    I cant even eat a large sandwich cause my lips are swollen and cant open wide. had to sacrifice my enjoyment of Jason's Deli
  12. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    Nothing wrong with drinking soup through a straw :)
  13. Trey

    Trey Active Member

    More spokes FTW or get some Tuff IIs. :p

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