TopSpeed Wins Overall Champion What an exciting weekend, we couldn't be happier with the Overall Win. After months of preperation we have something to show for it. The weekend started off running the entire Friday and Saturday practice without one single issue. With two days of testing in the bag we were feeling pretty confident, as we didn't have one single issue. We were sitting 1st overall with a healthy margin. So on Sunday with the Buschur Magnum out of the running due to an unfortunate wreck we decided to take it easy for our first timed session on sunday and just seal the overall win. Running a meek 20psi of boost we set the winning time of 1:04:6 We figured we would then push it on the final timed session to break the track record, and take home all the glory. But as luck would have it right after the first timed session while I was checking tire pressures on pit lane the cars fuel surge tank some how got a small pin hole leak causing a fire. The fire was quickly put out causing no damage other than a huge mess of powder to clean. With our spirits broke the search began to find a tig welder to fix our surge tank. With no welder to be found at track or within driving distance we settled for a temporary fix. Or only option without a tig welder close by was to try and JB Weld the hole closed. With 4 hours to our last timed session we hoped we had enought time for it to dry. With ten minutes to go we put her back together and fired her up. Great it looks like its holding, so I load up our "KILL" map which bumps the boost from 20psi to 28psi giving us a huge jump in power. Sitting on pit out it would seem again our luck ran out. The car started leaking fuel so we shut her down and called it a weekend. Ending our attempt at breaking the track record. All in all we had a great weekend and are very happy for the Overall Win but wish we had got our chance to break the track record. Oh well there is always next year. Doug
Congrats on the win. Your for sure to break some records next year, just be sure to bring an extra fuel cell next
If there's an inside joke behind the hood decal I don't get it, but still it's hilarious. Great work, guys!
Congrats Doug and Luke! Love the hood decal! I lol'd my arse off at work and everyone is looking at me like WTF?
Congrats guyz!! I've been at that pilot truck stop quite a few times next to that track but have yet to go to anything yet. How did that new evo fare?...oh wait it didnt win lol!:ddirty:
congrats TopSpeed! I like to think how the TS car would fare against all the others bone stock vs. bone stock very cool to see this car succeed at this level.