Track Day at Little Tally

Discussion in 'Meetups & Events' started by GTscoob, Dec 1, 2005.

  1. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful


    A friend of a friend is looking for 4-5 more people to rent out Little Tally for a day in late december. He was thinking the 19,20, or 21. It will only be $100 per person.

    Send me a PM or an email at gtg987q at mail dot gatech dot edu if you're interested.

  2. miloman

    miloman Retired Admin

    bump for an awesome deal... i'll be travelling otherwise id jump on this in a heart beat
  3. ShaneSTI

    ShaneSTI Active Member

    i'd be all over it too but i need every penny i can get for
  4. Alex

    Alex Community Founder Staff Member

    I may be interested, I'll catch you on aim.
  5. MrCoffeeATL

    MrCoffeeATL Member

    Damn i won't be home from school in time. I have friends who did this and had a geat time.
  6. Weapon

    Weapon 90lbs of dynamite Supporting Member

    ill be taking care of my son by then..sounds awesome though!
  7. FTZ

    FTZ ^.^

    If I still had my stockers I would definitely be down. I can't afford to destroy a $800 set of tires in a day.
  8. blink

    blink Member

    sounds fun, might be able to, moving into my new place in december, so not sure yet
  9. mattprzy

    mattprzy Active Member

    i would, except I'll be in vermont skiing instead.
  10. javid

    javid Member

    pm sent
  11. javid

    javid Member

    dAng will be there for some test n tune.
  12. GTscoob

    GTscoob Black is Beautiful

    Lemme know how it goes. It's just gonna be a bunch of Tech students pushing their cars.
  13. Eric-RPS13-

    Eric-RPS13- Member

    eh wish I wasn't missing a lug, cuz I would go. :(

    anyone else see little tally and think it was a pet name for a guy's dork?
  14. monk

    monk <b>The Kitchen Ninja!!!!</b>

    well, now that you mention it...
  15. javid

    javid Member

    <shakes head>
  16. Eric-RPS13-

    Eric-RPS13- Member

    sorry you can :slap: me
  17. lostinthewoods

    lostinthewoods Frisco Tx Baller

    too bad i wasnt in town.. just bad timing
  18. sol drums

    sol drums Active Member

    little tally :keke:

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