Hi all, things have been crazy busy so i haven't had much time to explore new stuff. BUT i do have a two part MOS set Cortsen did not too long ago. Compliments of our founder Very nice stuff check out Pt01 here(rightclick and save as): http://liquidparadigm.net/tranceport/cortsen_01.mp3 Pt02 coming in a bit. enjoy
fixed... http://liquidparadigm.net/tranceport/cortsen_01.mp3 one other small update. finally got the soundcard/pcdj thing worked out and the recording sounds NICE. so when i've got a bit of time i'll record and post up a mix. it's all real-time so i need a good 2 hours of nothing to do. haha, imagine that
sorry for the lag time guys, work is insane... enjoy http://liquidparadigm.net/tranceport/cortsen_02.mp3
I think I heard from one of my friends that this guy is going to be at 1150 here in the next month or so.
Dude, holy crap. I just got his set from sensation white this year and :eek2: Its a 3 part set, Deep Dish, Corsten, Tiesto. i'll send it to you at some point. Th deepdish mix is definately my favorite of the month.
actually, i'm changing this post, the monk twighlight set is done, it is originally done at 328kb, but if no one minds, i'm gonna downsample to 128kb and cut it into two pieces. i may put the full hifi version up there too for those with a fast connection and an mp3 player (after all it does sound much better at full res and uncut)
sorry man, i pulled the first-needed the space. let's grab lunch sometime this week or next and i'll give em to ya on a disc