long story short my car was low on water so i was filling up the tanks and bleeding the air as usual(i'm used to this by now) and noticed the water wasnt filling up,so i got a flashlight and couldnt find exactly where the water was going until i finally noticed water coming from around the turbo..well this afternoon when i got off work i pulled my heat shield off and started filling the car with water to find water coming out of the side of the turbo..there is two holes on the side and one has what looks to be a pressed in plug in it and the hole with the water coming out looks like it is supposed to have one in it..i need to find out what to do to fix this asap as the miata is down at the moment haha.. turbo is an FP HTA 68 on my 05 STi and was ordered and installed by forged performance in march this year..please get back with me asap and let me know if this is a part FP can get me and i can install or what..thanks for the help!
nope not driving it lol..i thought it looked like a freeze plug..is there a certain kind i should ask for from the machine shop or a certain size? and can i install it mysefl..i've never installed a freeze plug before lol
people at my local machine shops are idiots so i'm guessing i'll have to track one down myself..anyone know the size i need? and exactly how do you install a freeze plug? never done one before lol
measure the diameter, goto NAPA and get one. Take a small drift or punch and push one side down, pull it out with pliers. I use Indian head gasket sealer, lube up the new plug and set in with an old socket. pretty easy and straight forward.
thanks b reel i'll do it..the old plug isnt even there is the big problem though lol...it was completely gone..and ballistic i live in dublin,ga and i dont really remember the names of the 2 shops i went too