I dont want this to sound like an ad, so please dont think that it is. I just think that this is what the subaru community has been waiting for, we have been paying way too much for half ass products for too long. I'm glad someone is doing something about it. Dan at Batlground is now working on starting there own line of turbo kits. I dont know if any of you visit any of the EVO boards, But they just finished the prototype kit for the EVO and it looks like its going to come in at less than $2000. There Evo kit made 522whp at 30psi. I suspect the wrx kit will work out about the same, give or take. The great thing about this kit is that you can spec any t3\t4 turbo you want. With the way the kit is going to be setup it will be really easy to change turbos as well, so you could very easily have one turbo for the track and one turbo for the street or autocross. I will keep you guys updated as I find out more info. Everytime I post anything about the kit on any board I get hit with tons of PMs, which is fine. Just hold off on the phone calls to Batlground until after they get the prototype for our car finished, that way they will already have all the answers. Matt
cartman voice "nah nah nuh nah nah"...well along side this turbo kit you better buy a new tranny..unless ofcourse you have an sti
It begins The turbo and clutch are both supposed to be here on monday or tuesday, so we should have it together in time for the "Import Showdown". Feel free to stop by and say hi at the showdown. Matt P.S. Just because everybody says the tranny breaks easy doesnt mean that it does. We have been making over 300hp on this tranny for a long time and we have had no problems with it.
Finally something to shoot for...now if they just keep the 2.0l in the wrx for the next model year, I won't be tempted by something else!
Oh no, we could have made it to the shoot out. We are choosing to debut it at a later date. Maybe the real "shoot out"