I give it a big Thumbs up. I saw it this past weekend and definitely enjoyed it. It gets a little slow in the middle as far as the action is concerned, but it does a great job developing the story and definitely ends amazingly. If your a fan of the totalitarian 1984 feel with a pinch of the Matrix, I'd definitely reccomend this one.
Haha, my favorite part was when he does the 2 minute alliteration using "v" words...well that and the part where he owns like 15 guys after being shot to hell.
Yeah I heard there are only like three action sequences. I didn't like that I heard it has a bit of an anti-American theme however. If that's not really the case then I might be more into it.
Well it takes place in a Totalitarian England somewhere in the 2025 area? (don't think it's ever really specified but I remember hearing 2015 as a flashback date). In the movie the US is mentioned to have been broken apart through civil war and one of the government paid news anchors is severly bashing America. I wouldn't say the movie is anti-american though. I think the scene is more just to establish a little more of a distaste for the propaganda of the government. Now if you look into the concept of the movie and see at as a socail commentary, one may believe that it's anti american. I'd say it's more anti-crazyallencompassinggovernments more than anything though. Like I said, very 1984ish.
Indeed you are correct, a little graphic novel action if you will. I actually just watched From Hell the other day (weird Johnny Depp movie) that I believe is based on a graphic novel of the same author.
i got in for free :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: didn't pay anything.. thats why u get hook ups.. btw i saw ice age 2 the melt down it was super duper great funny laughing my ass offf goodd...:fawk:2 thumbz up.. sorry wrong thumbs.. same goes for V.. i'm with u on that:hsnono: depends.. who she is now.. :bowdown: the blad headed hot girl from club europe.. she maybe a prostute but she sure is damn hot..
Have you seen Garden State? It's not that she's incredibly hot in the movie (way hotter in Closer and even Episode 2) but I just want to marry that girl. Every interview she does too just makes me like her all the more.
No way, she was hot in star wars 2... Her nipples were huge on IMAX! She also was really hot playing a stripper in a chick flic(cant remember the name).