Ok, I remember someone saying at install day that there was a set of control arms that would change the wagon geometry to a sedan geometry where the sway bar goes.... which year/model is this? And does it change anything else since the wagons have a 10mm narrower track on each side?
the older GC8 Impreza aluminum STI control arms bolt onto the wagons with some minor work. The sedan control arms will give you a lot wider track and you'll probably rub on the front since we dont have the flares. Why not just get a wagon front sway bar?
that's what i'm going to end up doing. I wanted something that went over 24mm (the highest wagon is 20-22-24 adj front), but to get these control arms is like 500+ for takeoffs.... not worth the investment. I was just exploring the other options. I'm gonna see Scott probably tomorrow about the new bar.